posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by UnaChispa
Lol, I did check it out. I'm curious, did you read the article or just the title? Because the article doesn't seem to have anything to do with
zombies? I also think your confusing what they mean by "dead gene" It doesn't mean it is no longer a living thing, it just means it is no longer a
used or active genetic device and further, it is causing facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, it would be pretty hard to be a zombie if you can't
even move.
Facial muscle weakness (eyelid drooping, inability to whistle, decreased facial expression, depressed or angry facial expression, difficulty
pronouncing the letters M, B, and P)
Shoulder weakness (difficulty working with the arms raised, sloping shoulder)
Hearing loss
Abnormal heart rhythm
Unequal weakening of the biceps, triceps, deltoids, and lower arm muscles
Loss of strength in stomach muscles and eventual progression to the legs
Foot drop