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Tell everyone: Ron Paul to run with Dennis Kucinich in 2012!

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Kucinich moved to impeach Bush... the only one to do that and actually introduce a bill and read it in front of congress.

Then he's been going after Obama for his violations of the constitution for a while now.

Kucinich at least is not a sellout. He has the good of the people at heart, even if he's wrong sometimes.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

falsely believe Libertarianism and Socialism can be combined

What are you talking about old man? There are many socialist libertarians/anarcho-socialist. The first libertarian was actually a communist. Our enemy is the state not each other.
edit on 4-6-2011 by Rockdisjoint because: stfu

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:16 PM
Two very good very smart men,
Men with knowledge of the constitution and liberty.
What bunker would we hide them in to keep them safe?
What media would truly deliver their message without bastardizing it?
Dennis and Ron would need to be surrounded by any and all that supported them, constantly.
"Those" truly in control will never allow this to happen.
This is more of a wish that would crawl out of our 'soon to arrive' rise from the ashes.
I really really like it, I just dont ever see it.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by newcovenant

They aren't illegal, simply undocumented!

Perfect example of why Dennis and Ron would be a horrible match.

Some of their goals are the same, destruction of NAFTA for example, but for very different reasons. I like him for his honesty.. but he is not a Libertarian.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Rockdisjoint

Libertarianism is freedom from Governing power, it is not a social standing of simply the protection of Human Rights but the direct limitation of Government. Socialism is the State directly controlling the lives of her people.. it's an oxymoron to be a Libertarian that is self sufficient and taking handouts from Big Brother.

Just as it's an oxymoron to claim to be an Anarcho-Communist/Socialist .. Anarchy, absence of Govenrment, Socialism/Communism direct control through government. Socialism IS the State.. Communism IS the State.. Fascism IS the State..

Anyone who says otherwise is an imbecile. There is no exception.
edit on 6/4/2011 by Rockpuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:20 PM
It's funny that these two are very liked by the people and one is a republican and one is a democrat. In a normal America these two would be going against each other in a presidential debate, Paul being more conservative and Kucinich being more democratic. Instead, we get McCain and Obama who are basically admittedly the same thing.

However, I don't think Paul would do that because their philosophies would conflict. If Paul got hurt and Kucinich was the vice president, the economy suddenly switches from laizze-fare to socialism, it sort of would not be very good.
edit on 4-6-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Anyone who says otherwise is an imbecile. There is no exception.

My point is: they aren't our enemies, we all basically want the same thing, just different means to that end, which will be hashed out when the end is achieved. It's not fair to throw all collectivist in the same group and call them dumb. Some of them are voluntaryist and some are crazy revleft members. It just depends.

In a Ron Paul type of government people are free to choose to live however they want as long as they don't enable force or violence upon a person or their property. If a group of people want to start a ''Commie commune", they can. There is no reason to fight against them, because to think that these type of communities wouldn't exist is absurd.
edit on 4-6-2011 by Rockdisjoint because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by franklin555

I have to agree with this possible combination. Ron Paul has already stated that if elected his priorities would be on shoring up entitlements to people, not in cutting people off. This plays well with Kucinich as a running mate. They both are defenders of the Constitution, Ron Paul more so, Kucinich on foreign issues. Regardless, the intention to help ones own nation first is something I wish more politicians would commit themselves to. Instead of bailing out the world, if we must bail someone out, we should bail ourselves out first before worrying about others.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Rockdisjoint

Government is the enemy, and any form of Socialism and or Communism, Fascism, through in any other far left ideology in there, is the enemy. Who takes our rights? The State. Who talks to us like ignorant children while squandering our wealth? The State. Who offers handouts as bribes to attain power and consolidate it? The State. Who would use death and destruction, instilling fear to bend the will of the State to control our lives? The State.

There is no exception for me .. powerful governments erode the God given rights of man to live as he wishes to live.. this is Libertarianism, freedom absolute.. any form of Government that would use it's power over her own people whether it's a prison cell, a gun to the head, or a welfare check IS the enemy. Anyone who supports such an ideology.. does not uphold the rights of men to be free.

Remember.. we are talking at the FEDERAL level .. not local, not state, not hippie commune level .. if you want to run off to the woods and join a nudist colony that worships the rainbow gods and sing campfire songs be my guest.. but Federalized government is a disease, it must be controlled and retained..

Kucinich does not believe in these philosophies.. he's a Socialist. He'd be no different than the past few Fascist that have been President.. one in the same.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by SubPop79

I like Ron Paul and his views are very much parallel with mine, but the fact he was a gynecologist kinda weirds me out.

This is true. To undo all the wrongs the country has been laying on its citizens, we really need a proctologist, not a gynecologist. That is where the damage has been done!!

Here is my voter-day shirt!! It makes so much more sense than "vote or die" that MTV and Puffy made popular. As far as I know there are about 10 of these shirts in existence now, but this is one of the original 3 that my buddy made for us, LOL! I wear it with pride, and you would be surprised how much positive reaction it gets.

edit on 4-6-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

You obviously don't understand the history of libertarian and anarchist thought very well.

Whatever though.

Kucinich does not believe in these philosophies.. he's a Socialist.

Most people over-generalize socialism, what makes Kucinich a socialist?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by newcovenant

They aren't illegal, simply undocumented!

Perfect example of why Dennis and Ron would be a horrible match.

Some of their goals are the same, destruction of NAFTA for example, but for very different reasons. I like him for his honesty.. but he is not a Libertarian.

A lot of Irishman slipped into this country under loose immigration policies.
Are you proposing we seek them out and throw them out too or is it just the Mexicans you hate?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
Two very good very smart men,
Men with knowledge of the constitution and liberty.
What bunker would we hide them in to keep them safe?
What media would truly deliver their message without bastardizing it?
Dennis and Ron would need to be surrounded by any and all that supported them, constantly.
"Those" truly in control will never allow this to happen.
This is more of a wish that would crawl out of our 'soon to arrive' rise from the ashes.
I really really like it, I just dont ever see it.

No. They would turn these two into a sit-com and anyone standing with a bazooka would win the election. We do not want peaceful solutions. We want a fight and we want a pitbull to do it. That's just how civilized we are.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

They aren't illegal, simply undocumented!

Why don't we have Canadians stealing across the border to get in here?

If you were a head of household, and you could not provide for your wife and children

and you didn't seek out every means possible

to feed, shelter and clothe them

even if that meant crossing from your place of birth to another's place of birth

and getting work where you find it there...then you are not a man at all.

A criminal?

It is criminal to let your family starve to death because you are loyal to some political ideology

and man made border lines, on a planet that is by virtue of your birth on it YOURS.

When it is just a stretch of land dividing you from salvation,

if you do not go you are a fool.

You can make that man a criminal on top of his heroic and superhuman efforts to survive and feed his family.
I won't.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:53 AM
I watched the Ron Paul hearing where he finally got people from the Federal Reserve in front of his committee, and he was so restrained and into Congressional-polite mode that not very much new data came from the event. Maybe he himself has been in Washington too long, and needs to up the "fire in the belly" mode that he should have with his prominent position in the freedom movement.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:14 AM
That's pretty funny about Ron Paul. Yes,you have to admire his work in the OBG world.

I'm sure HE did!..

And at least one thing you can say about Kucinich or Ron is they definiatly are NOT vagina's.

They at least have the hurevo ranchos to speak their minds,likem or not.

That ticket would never get elected..but nice idea.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:07 PM
Ron Paul supporters need to realize that Ron Paul has no real intention of running because he knows he'll never get the GOP nomination. Many won't vote for him BECAUSE he's still affiliated with the Republican Party.
He's done good things by bringing about awareness of the Fed, massive corporate welfare, the ever-growing military industrial complex/wars for profit, destruction of the U.S. Constitution, etc., but he'll never be President.

As for Kucinich, he talks a good talk and has done some good things for the people too (the sellout to ObamaCare was a HUGE disappointment), but the same goes for Kucinich.

It's really a bit of a tease or a cruel game - a 'last hope' to return us to sanity and prosperity as a nation but in reality it's an illusion - unfortunately for us all..

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:09 PM
A real republic would have men like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich as the actual presidential candidates running against each other. Our choice would be between them. Can you imagine the debates? Real debate about real issues that actually matter. I think no matter who won the country would be far better off than it is now.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by TypeSH2001

So who should we put our support behind? No one? You going to run?

I agree I think its all over. America is gone, lost, history, kaput but as long as someone like Paul is running I think it would be wise for real Americans and true patriots to support him while they still can. Think for a minute what it would be like if there were no Ron Paul, Rand Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Imagine that there was not even one single reasoned voice in congress or the senate. That to me would be far more depressing than there only being one or two men like these and that is already pretty depressing.

edit on 6-6-2011 by MegaMind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 09:32 AM
I think this idea could put Dr. Paul at a HUGE advantage although he'd have to run as a 3rd party candidate to pull this off and it would have to unfold within the next few months to get maximum effect.

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