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What is your favorite gun to carry?

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by brilab45

I disagree. Can you please link the source of your statistics?

If confronted by an attacker with a gun, defending yourself with a gun is definitely necessary.

Before I had a family, or if I was alone, sure fighting or running are way better options than possibly taking somebody's life. But I have a family to defend, and if a criminal decides they are going to attack me or my family, well, they've made their choice and there are consequences. I've heard stories of whacko's on drugs that tasers do not work on. I would not bet my family's safety on any other method. I can handle my own, but wouldn't chance fighting.

There is a lot of attacks that end in the criminal being arrested because the victim drew their weapon and the criminal gave up. Somebody does not always have to die.

I'm tough without a gun. The gun is my constitutional right. thankfully, I've never had to use one on a human being, and hope to god I never do. But I'd rather be prepared than not.

I respect your opinion, but completely disagree with it.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:51 PM
To do what?
I have 7 and I don't carry one,H2H and knives are fine for me.I look mean and that gives pause,it has worked for 45 years.
Usually asocial types get close enough to exterminate by trying to scare me.I've disarmed a guy easily because he wasn't a killer and I am trained that way.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by deesul69
reply to post by brilab45

I disagree. Can you please link the source of your statistics?

If confronted by an attacker with a gun, defending yourself with a gun is definitely necessary.

Before I had a family, or if I was alone, sure fighting or running are way better options than possibly taking somebody's life. But I have a family to defend, and if a criminal decides they are going to attack me or my family, well, they've made their choice and there are consequences. I've heard stories of whacko's on drugs that tasers do not work on. I would not bet my family's safety on any other method. I can handle my own, but wouldn't chance fighting.

There is a lot of attacks that end in the criminal being arrested because the victim drew their weapon and the criminal gave up. Somebody does not always have to die.

I'm tough without a gun. The gun is my constitutional right. thankfully, I've never had to use one on a human being, and hope to god I never do. But I'd rather be prepared than not.

I respect your opinion, but completely disagree with it.

Nobody can resist a taser, doesn't matter what type of drugs they are on. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, taser don't
stop people just by causing them extreme pain, the electricity causes the muscles to contract making it impossible to move. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, you probably heard that from a non-reliable source. Though I think a knife is better than a gun. Most confrontations occur in very short ranges, and knifes can be used straight away,
pistols have to have they're safety turned off and sometimes loaded/cocked this can take precious seconds.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:15 PM
I actually...

Carry a Springfield Armory XD-40 Sub-Compact .40 S&W using a CrossBreed Super Tuck in horse leather unless the humidity is just through the roof here in Miami... Then it's in my back pocket (fits perfectly, getreadyalready couldn't profile it even after a couple of minutes looking). Horse leather is the only way to go if you live in a humid climate and there will be skin contact with your rig.

I do plan on adding a Galco Miami Classic Shoulder System as I wear jackets and sport coats quite often and will give me a third carry option.

As an addition to the OP's inquiry, I use Winchester Ranger 165 gr JHP

It seems as though some of the replies are off topic, or dare I say masturbatory in nature. You either have it and carry it, or you don't.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by entityofwar

You are incorrect, and I'd appreciate if you kept the childish name calling to yourself. I am not "stupid, stupid, stupid" or "dumb, dumb, dumb". My friend is a Chicago Police Officer, and told me first hand that a large woman could not be subdued by tasers, and had to be beaten to be cuffed and put in the wagon.

You might want to know what you're talking about before you call people names and make yourself look stupid, stupid, stupid or dumb, dumb, dumb.

Tasers are not 100% I beleive the number is 86% effective.

Tasers do not work on people under the influence of certain drugs.

Tasers do not work on people with wet clothing.

I can shoot a crazed lunitic with my .45 and he will drop. I can shoot somebody in the rain without decreased effectiveness.

My preferred carry weapon also does not have an external safety, but has a grip safety and a built in trigger safety, which means it can only be fired with the weapon in hand, and pull the trigger. Safe to carry with a round in the chamber. By the time a knife sheath is un-buttoned, or knife is un-folded, I would have drawn and popped off multiple shots if required. NOT costing precious seconds.

Of course somebody who has massive brain power could use the power of their superior intellect to mentally stop a criminal!!

edit on 8-6-2011 by deesul69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Nice!! I love my CBST!! I got the horsehide because I heard it will hold up better, but I honestly like to coloration of it as well. Very comfortable!! and I really like the company. They sent me free candy and gum, I think they gave me a crossbreed sticker! Stupid little things, but stuff like that means a lot.

Did you get the combat cut?

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by deesul69
reply to post by kneverr

The FiveseveN is a great choice!! I've only shot one once, but I was really impressed with the long range accuracy and for such a high velocity round, the recoil was very manageable. Made followup shots easy. Are you concerned with overpenetration though? I know in a defensive situation, it would be really bad to shoot through somebody and have an innocent injured.

Thank you. The 5.7's ability to quickly place powerful precise follow-up shots due to it's "very manageable recoil" is one of the main reasons that drew me to the Five-Seven.

On your question with over-penetration; I feel that if one makes the choice to bear the incredible responsibility of carrying a firearm but is not concerned with over-penetration, background and/or injuring an innocent; they should not be carrying a firearm in the first place… I think that you may agree that this rings true with any size firearm.

(Elite Ammunition) manufactures and stocks an exceptional selection of 5.7x28 ammo (even frangible), which can be difficult to find. So depending on your own relative situation, training and choice of ammo based on possible threats that you are mainly concerned with, you can greatly minimize or nearly eliminate the possibility of OP.

By the way, great picture/avatar of your Springfield XDM 45... never realized that they looked so appealing. Now I'm very interested in trying one out, which I will hopefully have the opportunity to do next week, thanks.
edit on 8-6-2011 by kneverr because: link

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by deesul69

I love mine too... No combat cut, and I use J hooks.

For those that might be confused or even amused... Your holster is more important than the weapon itself. Safety, security and whether you actually carry or not (I know dozens of people who have concealed carry permits but don't carry because they have yet to discover or tried to discover a comfortable rig). My brother in law is a perfect example, he's never even tried to carry concealed on his person, and has his license for concealed carry in his vehicle. Finding a rig that will work for you and your weapon is a personal journey and can get downright expensive... But the CrossBreed Super Tuck is a great place to start. It's custom made, fitted to your weapon and has a great track record of comfort, concealability and safety.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by kneverr

Thanks. You are definitely correct, it doesn't matter what you're shooting, you should always be concered with "collateral damage". It just seems more so with a small caliber high velocity round. The frangible ammo would definitely be a good idea though. Again, great choice.

I love the XDM. My only complaint is the trigger. It's a bit heavy, and I'd like it to be a little more crisp. It's very accurate and reliable though, and a surprisingly simple design.
edit on 8-6-2011 by deesul69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by brilab45

This is a very ignorant and trollish answer. There are times when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time and SH*T happens. If you're not prepared it will happen to you and your loved ones. As a matter of fact, in my life it happened three times. Thank God I didn't have to pull the trigger, but if I wasn't prepared, I would have been a statistic.

And by the way, I am licensed to carry, shoot frequently at a range, have had hours and hours of formal training. I carry a Glock 27 w/ 11 round magazine in .40 S&W. A Gen 4 Glock 22 with Tac light is on my bed and a Mossberg 500 tactical is near by.

It's the world we live in.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by deesul69
I love the XDM. My only complaint is the trigger. It's a bit heavy, and I'd like it to be a little more crisp. It's very accurate and reliable though, and a surprisingly simple design.

You aren't the only one... And thankfully there is a solution...

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by brilab45
Having been in the military......I don't want to own a gun. Too many of you are swapping your little wee wee's for pea shooters.

The statistics are overwhelming of harm against your own folks.

Get a little wee drunk....pull out the gun.

Get a little pissed off.....pull out the gun.

Get a little road rage......pull out the gun.

I'm rightfully scared of you folks that think gun ownership makes you a man.

Give me a crossbow or let me use my explosive weapons military experience too scare you off.

Guns are for scarred pussies that can't aim. Punks with guns is like mixing meth with testosterone. You can't handle it!!!

Guns don't make you man or make you safer. There are many other alternatives that can make you safe and not erroneously harm another human being. IE...stun guns, bear repellant, loud sirens, etc., etc.

A gun in the country is necessary. A gun in the city is suicide.

First, your insult filled rant is not welcome in any thread/forum. Second, your political anti-gun agenda has zero place here, as was already clearly stated by Projectvxn.

The Weapons and Tactics Forum: What it is and what it is NOT

If you don't like firearms, can't control yourself or can not stay on the topic of this thread (or others), simply try your best to act like an intelligent adult and go to another forum/thread which may interest you in a positive way... it is much better than embarrassing yourself with such adolescent nonsense, as proven in your above quoted rant.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Mirthful Me

Right on point!! I plan to order a PRP kit when I get a few extra bucks lying around. I think I might have even mentioned it in another thread.

Supposedly they make some really good products.

I also slipped a Pachmayr rubber grip glove on it, and I like it a lot. I love having the finger grooves.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:51 PM
OK, so I've got an ass whooping by you gun enthusiasts. Fact is...that you will use your weapons against the very people you would not dare to think of.

The statistics are quite plain. Most folks with weapons hurt the ones in their family circle.

I am all for the 2nd amendment. But please get a GD psych exam before hand. I'm afraid of some you are over the top people, Frankly, I would kill you first! There are too many unstable folks that will kill you for a cigarette!

People with sound minds should own guns. There are too many people that are not sound. Where do we draw the line?

I do not own a weapon. If I moved to the country, I would. Otherwise, I will rely on current technology to subdue a would be attacker.

No reason to kill. Yes, I feel for you family folks. There are better means to subdue a human being than killing them.

Get a tazer. Get the worst kinda bear repellant and sleep with a hatchet. There are many ways too keep an assailant down. Guns are simple weapons. Can't aim....your effed. Get some basics to survive. They will help you more.

I wish everyone the best safe way to keep one's self and family protected. Peace.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by brilab45

Check out some of the links in my previous post. "current technology" isn't always effective.

Somebody on certain types of drugs will not be affected by a taser or "bear repellent", and somebody with wet clothes may not be subdued by a taser.

You can go right ahead and fight multiple armed attackers with a hammer or taser, or whatever to protect your family. I'll do what's necessary with hollowpoints.

Peace to you as well.
edit on 8-6-2011 by deesul69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by deesul69

You know, when it comes down to it....we do what we have to. I feel my hammer or hatchette will do more than a gun in the dark. Plus my dogs.

No argument here. Wish you the best.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by entityofwar

Thats not true, heavier drugs can block the sense of pain, and prevent the muscles from tightening , which gives the person the power to fight on

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 01:12 AM
Despite all the bashing here lets get back on the topic. This thread is helping me making a decision here. That decision being what to carry (CCW). I find this post very informative. Now I've been looking at the Sig P226. Some here say it's kind of bulky to carry under the belt. Is it really that unconformable? If memory serves me , this is the one that the barrel can be changed out to a 357, right ?

What I like on the specs of the P226 is the hammer can be de-cocked without actuating the firing pin disconnect. and the claim is the weapon is drop safe. I do like the internal safeties of this weapon.

I will have a look at some Springfields, seems like most here like them.

I have carried a Colt M1911A in the Army and found it heavy on a shoulder strap. though i do like the stopping power. If the P226 is heavier then I don't think it would suite me to well. I did carry a Beretta 92F for a while ( not a big fan) , traded back in for the 1911.

edit on 9-6-2011 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by SJE98

Concealed carry dynamics are often overlooked in making a decision regarding weapon selection. First, what is your height and weight? What is your body shape (don't underestimate this question and it's impact on carry)? What kind of clothing do you wear throughout the seasons? Is it humid where you live/carry? What is your experience regarding revolvers and semi automatic pistols? Were you in the military? Do you have LEO experience?

The "you" in my inquiries aren't for you specifically, but for anyone pursuing a CCW and their weapon and rig purchases.

Also, for the member who claims they like the idea of projecting a weapon profile when they are under the legal auspices of carrying concealed is in for a very unsettling experience in the future. A concealed carry permit is for that specifically... Concealed. Unconcealed carry where only concealed is permitted is by it's very nature illegal and will result in some less than quality time with law enforcement. Many LEO's aren't on board with CCW as they feel it's a risk to them (even though there is no evidence of that whatsoever) and will use any opportunity to "discourage" the practice.

No one will ever "make" me as a CCW holder, and that is a far greater advantage than a particular weapon, caliber or rig...

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by deesul69

My All time favorite is my custom Chuck Warner 1911A1
I dont carry it often... bought is more as an investment piece... paid $2,550 for it way back when... today it's worth 4 grand... for daily carry I grab up my Ruger 944

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