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The most accurate prophecies i have ever seen.

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posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 08:56 AM
"When this horrible war starts woe to those armies that fly over skies, better off will be those who fight on ground and water. "People waging this war will have their scientists who will invent different and strange cannon-balls. When they explode, these cannon-balls, instead of killing, will cast a spell over all that lives; people, armies and live stock. This spell will make them sleep, and sleep they will instead of fighting, and after they will come back to their senses. "

In this video Zhirinovsky talking exactly about that "sleeping weapon"

also google "kazakhstan sleeping illness mystery" probably test experiment

also in links provided not all is translated, for example when asked who will fight in this war:

"And who will be to fight in the sky over Pozega? And with whom?
- Well, this is it, what is most peculiar,: not the Serbs! As the Serbs are gone, missing in Serbia, and someone else over it ... horribly will fight Russians with the Italians. I see a lot of this field is burnt with ship burned wings, and people in flames, even more burnt, decreased like small children burned!"

Italy, with nato bases?

Which reminds me about St.Malachy prophecy about Pope fleeing from Rome?

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Skuruthai

And your prophet is probably inspired by how the swine-flu vaccine seems to have caused narcolepsy or something similar. Or perhaps he's suggesting some global melatonin poisoning

edit on 7-2-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 09:47 AM
He also talks about how this war will start, its very hard to translate from old serbian language (its similar like Shakespearean english - modern english now)

"Prije ovoga rata na prijestolje velikackog carstva naroda preko beskrajne vode ustolicice se jedan coek koji budne i seljak i caus."

On vise nece davati crvenom caru da se siri i da se bogati, nego ce se s njime siljbociti i prepucavati...

Ondakar ce nastupiti veliki preokret i vise nece biti nako ko sto je bivalo pod drugijem carevima koji su bili na prijestolju ove carevine prije njegovog dolaska.

Taj novi car uzece pusku, ali nece puknuti na crveno carstvo nego ce samo senluciti...

Senlucice i onaj drugi, sto ce kasti, crveni car.

Oni knjazevi koje taj car naroda preko beskrajne vode budne izrodijo sa svojom caricom, bice ljutog ubojitog lica, zeravicijeh ociju, te ce oni puske opaliti."

Something like
"king beyond great water will not allow red king to spread anymore, he will take rifle but not fire,only threaten, also red king will also take rifle but not fire he will also threaten. but one prince of that king beyond great water will have killer face and he will shoot the rifle first"

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Skuruthai

Sounds a bit like a hoax to me. I would have to read up on the thread, it seems to have gained some magical viral effect and does contain quite a few modern idioms and concepts that makes me sense sort of studder. I mean "the Blue king beyond the water" ratting spears with the red king whose spreading beyond acceptance of the blue king - in short, please help me here, this smells of elders' parchment. When were these prophecies discovered, and by whom, and does there exist carbon analysis on all the media involved? Like ink (pigment solvent 7c), paper (parchment, paper, papyrus 7c), thread bindings and leather bounding etc.

ETA: I don't want to seem insincere, it's just the way I sound when my head's working. So please don't read my scepticism as personal or in anyway an attempt at destroying people's ideas and visions. And my inquiries are possibly discussed earlier in the thread, so please, here's a
smiley face. For all I know these prophecies are genuine.
edit on 7-2-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 10:19 AM
Miloš Tarabić (1809 - 1854) i Mitar Tarabić (1829 - 1899) both were peasants, they didnt know to write so all their visions was written by priest Zaharije.

First book is published 1940 "Tajanstvene pojave u našem narodu" by Radovan Kazimirović meaning "Mysterious phenomena in our nation" using original writings from priest Zaharije. Later there was many other books on same thematic, its believed that during communist post ww2 Yugoslavia some vision about that era was changed to fit communist propaganda of that period

here link on some translated prophecies, but many things are not added and translated here:

Its hard to find now original first book from 1940
edit on 7-2-2015 by Skuruthai because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Skuruthai

Ah, Serbian language, I mistook the word for Persian for some reason, I thought we were talking about some ancient prophecy dug up from the sand in the ME. Now this is interesting. I understand you have studied these prophecies quite well, could you provide some more links to more in-depth research into these matters? Firstly history and analysis of the original documents. Do the original manuscripts of father Zaharije still exist?

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 11:11 AM
There is story about original manuscripts which gave profesor Radovan Kazimirović in his book "Tajanstvene pojave u našem narodu" (1940) that priest Zaharije passed original to priest Gavrilo Popović, Gavrilo apparently buried original under his house, never to be found later

Most "original" text that can be found is in 1940 book, it is told that profesor Radovan Kazimirović used original manuscript to wrote his book

There is also story that original manuscript is burned and destroyed in 1943 when his family home (Zaharije home) was destroyed by the occupying Bulgarian Army, but its not clear did really Zaharije pass original to priest Gavrilo (in that case there is small chance that original manuscript will be found one day)

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Skuruthai
Gavrilo apparently buried original under his house, never to be found later

Rather convenient, don't you think?

Most "original" text that can be found is in 1940 book, it is told that profesor Radovan Kazimirović used original manuscript to wrote his book

Timing seems perfect too, don't you agree? Such prophecies are handy tools for gathering intelligence and for fine-tuning conflicting religious populae towards a common, favorable opinion.

I don't mean to be an arse here, but to me it smells of brimstone, and likely War-era Soviet intelligence bred propaganda. Sorry, too many oddities.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:01 PM
For me personally some of his writings about human nature, soul , his view on God are more interesting than "prophecies" about events, but most of them didnt get translated in english.

When i saw this thread i wanted to add some missing parts regarding possible ww3 events that wasnt translated.

Things like prophecies, ufo , conspiracy theories was my starting point of research 10 years ago, i still find them interesting from time to time but i moved on to some, for me personally more important questions/answers

I hope none of ww3 prophecies come true tho

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Skuruthai

For all we know this document was war propaganda and prof. Kazimirović was the patsy-man-in-the-middle and the pondus the intelligence community needed for their subjects to consider illumination. Looks like a spearhead Kampf-Schrift.

posted on Feb, 7 2015 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Misterlondon

The Bible refers to a mountain as a kingdom, so a kingdom with 3 crosses? Sounds like the Kingdom of the Lord to me.

Those who will run and hide in the mountains with three crosses will find shelter and will be saved to live after in abundance, happiness and love, because there will be no more wars.

That's the way the Bible ends. He is talking about Revelations. Interesting.

posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Misterlondon

Yes - the small ancient town of Kazimierz Dolny in Poland has a hill/mountain known as the mountain of the three crosses.

posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: Misterlondon

so does anyone know where there is a mountain with 3 crosses.??

This sounds like Sollog's safe zones. There are three safe zones. When you mark them on a map they will look like three crosses.

The safe zones are in the mountains of Asia, the mountains of Canada, and the mountains of South America. This is where you go to protect yourself from nuke terrorism that is coming. After nuke terrorism there will be a large rock that will hit this planet. If you are not in one of the three safe zones when the rock hits you will probably not survive.

Just the last day or so Sollog had a hit on a prophecy he released three days age, so definitely one person to watch.

posted on Feb, 19 2015 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: samsamm9

I think this may be referring to Buddhists actually.
iirc there's a Hopi (?) prophecy that states that "The White Brother From The West" will carry a cross to their land and bring destruction. (Which is far as the natives are concerned, this is true.)
Afterwards "The Yellow Brother From The East" will carry a circle and bring an age of prosperity and a return to mother nature.

Hmm I wonder who that sounds like?

posted on Jan, 10 2016 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: samsamm9

It may sound stupid, but "Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin" sounds like the right candidate .He Absolutely qualifies by his actions on the global scale - Gives The Justice to this Prophecy.

posted on Jan, 31 2016 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: samsamm9

Islam ?

"Wise men will appear in the Orient, and their wisdom will cross all seas and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie."

What do you all think ?

I find this prophecy interesting and I do believe he has some valid points. Although I don´t believe he was a true prophet with full vision he might have known something.

As I understand it the wise men appearing in the Orient is Falun Gong practitioners who appeared in China in 1992 - the magic year as foreseen by the Mayan indians. And this kind of Qi Gong has three important words - Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance that I believe might relate to the three crosses mentioned in this prophecy. As for meditation it is a big part in Falun Gong and it has also spread everywhere around the world and it has no cost or membership. It is all available on the Internet for free. As for people disbelieving it, I think that is normal considerring all the propaganda against Falun Gong from the Chinese Communist Party. People in the west don´t have any news sources from China and only a few people will have an open mind and try the Falun Gong meditation and other exercises and check the effect.

I recommend everyone to check out Falun Gong for themselves, its appearance in 1992 and its persecution in 1999 matches many other prophecies too: Falun Dafa

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