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Bizzarre sea creature found on beach

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posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:15 PM
How does anyone think this is real?

At the start it looks completely fake. A video of 2 guys poking a pink, womans slot with a stick, that then starts skirting out a liquid that looks vaguely reminiscent of something.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by markygee
old one this its been posted on a thread before. I think its CGI.

yeah, everthing is cgi these days. it could'nt just possibly be a rubber made thing with a mechanical mechanism inside.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:18 PM
It doesn't matter if it is real or not, bizarre in appearance. Once again, I see that heartless humans (humoring themselves for whatever reason) are being curious and cruel. It may have well been the last of its kind. Instead these "people" poke and prod an "entity" (obviously out of its element) while being video taped dying.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 06:52 PM
Hahaha, only virgins wouldn't know what this is.

edit on 3-6-2011 by MustangDesigns because: spelling error

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:13 PM
Ridiculously fake!

This is what happens when you turn a blow up doll inside out and then put it in a microwave for a few minutes!

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:36 PM
I would expect a really fat pair of legs attached to that,

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:42 PM
its an sea vagina, closely related, but not too closely to the sea cuccumber. lol.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
what is the matter with those people? why are they raping it with a stick?

Well, considering the squirting reaction I think it liked it

But yeah, looks like a commercial or something.

EDIT: There's an old thread in this forum on this thing. In it, it shows dozens of these things scurrying over rocks and it looks like total CGI. I'll see if I can find it...

EDIT2: Yup, here's the thread I mentioned.

EDIT3: haha, here's an even older thread on this
edit on 3-6-2011 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 08:57 PM
It looks kind of fake to me, can't really tell. But looking at the underside, it appears as if a giant or something misplaced it's rectum.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:08 PM
Oh man, not this crap. This is definitely fake. It's meant to look like something...which I probably can't mention on this forum.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:55 PM
Don't poor cola of all things on it! I mean if it's fake, sure...but...
Looks like a creature out of an anime.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:12 AM
After watching this video I tried to pour cola on the one sleeping next to me hoping to get the same reaction. The creature however woke up and promptly hit and yelled at me. I am now at the creatures beck and call, and do not get to poke the creature with a stick tomorrow morning as was planned.
edit on 6-6-2011 by The Bear Man because: Not is not the word "Now"

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:14 AM
It looks like a giant pussy.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:06 AM
Lmao! That's one weird lookin' creature, but the video is a fake.

Watch the video on youtube, the first 3 tags are: joke, laughs and humor.
To me, it was funnier when I thought it was real lmao.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:13 AM
sea boobs,

all over the place out there.

cut off the ends, suck out the middle, wash the sand out and

stirfry with veggies and soy.

just don't douse with cola.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by The Bear Man
After watching this video I tried to pour cola on the one sleeping next to me hoping to get the same reaction. The creature however woke up and promptly hit and yelled at me. I am now at the creatures beck and call, and do not get to poke the creature with a stick tomorrow morning as was planned.
edit on 6-6-2011 by The Bear Man because: Not is not the word "Now"

Best comment EVER

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