posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 10:12 PM
Deny Ignorance Steering Committee (DISC) is calling for volunteers to help lead ATS forwards.
These volunteers must be willing to contribute and assist in DISC projects. DISC is not a status symbol, it is not a reward, it is only for those who
care about the future of ATS and sincerely wish to help make this great board even better.
For this intake, we are specifically looking for members who might be able to assist with 2 main projects that DISC is working on.
ATS History Project. Collating and writing a 'History of ATS' article. This was the old Historian Project, but the historian in question
was unable to finish it due to offline concerns.
ATS Book Project. A project very much still in its infancy, the idea is to create an ATS Book of Threads, a good way to expose more and more
people to ATS and the knowledge that it represents. On top of which the Proceeds will go to a worthy charity, such as the International Literacy
Institute: What better way to promote "deny ignorance" than to aid a group that helps people learn to read?
Now, if you wish to be involved in DISC, and you think you can help out with these two projects. What you need to do now is
u2u me, stating the
How long you have been a member.
Favourite aspect/area of ATS.
How you think you can help with these DISC projects.
This will be a fairly big intake (as many as a dozen, maybe more). So the call-for-applicants will stay open for a week or so. Get your entries in