Here is the definition of "World":
world (wûrld)
1. The earth.
2. The universe.
3. The earth with its inhabitants.
4. The inhabitants of the earth; the human race.
a. Humankind considered as social beings; human society: turned her back on the world.
b. People as a whole; the public: The event amazed the world.
6. often World A specified part of the earth: the Western World.
7. A part of the earth and its inhabitants as known at a given period in history: the ancient world.
8. A realm or domain: the animal world; the world of imagination.
a. A sphere of human activity or interest: the world of sports.
b. A class or group of people with common characteristics or pursuits: the scientific world.
10. A particular way of life: the world of the homeless.
11. All that relates to or affects the life of a person: He saw his world collapse about him.
12. Secular life and its concerns: a man of the world.
a. Human existence; life: brought a child into the world.
b. A state of existence: the next world.
14. A large amount; much. Often used in the plural: did her a world of good; candidates that are worlds apart on foreign policy.
15. A celestial body such as a planet: the possibility of life on other worlds.
From same site, the definition of "Universe":
u·ni·verse (yn-vûrs)
1. All matter and energy, including the earth, the galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space, regarded as a whole.
a. The earth together with all its inhabitants and created things.
b. The human race.
3. The sphere or realm in which something exists or takes place.
4. Logic See universe of discourse.
5. Statistics See population.
Seems to me that the two words are synonymus.
So, upon reading and absorbing these two definitions, no - the world will never end, but our idea of "end" is personal to each individual. "As I
know it to be", my world will end some day. It's changing all the time.
In respect of the "World" as only Earth, it will end, but only as we know it to be. It may look like the Moon or Mars one day, but I believe that it
will still be around in the Universe.