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Are Our Brains Programmed For Voluntary Slavery ?

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posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 02:48 AM
As this article is speaking about our brain and a possible third strand of DNA, I chosed this forum.

If it doesn't fit here, it can be moved by a mod to another forum.No harm.

Article :

My recent piece describing our possible genetic links to an alien race called the Annunaki stirred a friend to suggest a concept that takes a different slant on my theory. His idea is so plausible that I decided to include it in this edition:

Joe said it was once suggested to him that the original human on this planet was doing just fine on his own. But at some point in history, "there occurred a usurpation in the form of genetic tampering.

"This tampering, in my opinion, was nothing less than the removal of a third strand of DNA. This strand served to unite left and right brain functions, and provide immediate and direct (links) to the collective consciousness. The removal of this (part of our brain) in combination with cross-breeding of alien traits, brought the counterfeit blueprint for what modern man has become."

More : Link

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 07:37 AM
I dont know about the possibility that we were genetically modified/engineered by the Annukai (although if we were in the presence of an advanced alien race, I would see it as very possible).

However, experiments conducted in the Soviet Union in the 1980s by Dr. Yuri Vladomirich indicated that it *is* possible to manipulate and transfer genetic information into another orgasnism from a distance, through radio transmissions. In numerous repeateable experiments, he was able to digitize genetic data, transmit it at specific frequencies into an embryo and later find that same genetic information encoded in the embryo.

During one experiment, he transmitted genetic information from a duck into a incubating chicken egg. When it hatched, it was a "chuck", a chicken with duck paws...

What I find very interesting is that the frequencies at which this information transmission is accomplished is very well within the broadcast regime for HAARP... We also know that HAARP has been broadcasting HUGE amounts of energy since the early 90s... not all of it is geared towards military purposes... is there a chance the cabal may be genetically modifying the human population very gradually?

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 09:18 AM
a Nine Inch Nail song some of you might find interesting.

slave screams he think he knows what he wants
slave screams thinks he has something to say
slave screams he hears but doesn't want to listen
slave screams he's being beat into submission
don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the devils of truth steal the souls of the free
don't open your eyes take it from me
i have found
you can find
happiness in slavery
slave screams he spends his life learning conformity
slave screams he claims he has his own identity
slave screams he's going to cause the system to fall
slave screams but he's glad to be chained to that wall
don't open your eyes you won't like what you see
the blind have been blessed with security
don't open your eyes take it from me
i have found
you can find
happiness in slavery
i don't know what i am i don't know where i've been
human junk just words and so much skin
stick my hands thru the cage of this endless routine
just some flesh caught in this big broken machine

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 10:42 AM
Very interesting dragonrider.

Do you have a link ? I would like to read the complete story.

I was wondering why "Chuck " Norris was looking so weird, now, I know why.

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