posted on May, 31 2011 @ 11:37 PM
In my experience, I never heard the term OPSEC as much as I did when myspaces and facebooks became popular. The first time I was in Iraq In 2004 it
seemed like all of a sudden one day the command started really pushing for OPSEC with regards to Marines posting way too much info about missions and
troop movements on their myspaces. It became a big problem really fast, so they had to ban all social networking sites in country, which in my opinion
should have been done from the beginning.
In this day and age OPSEC means Do Not Post Anything Revealing Your Identity, Capabilities, Equipment, Or Intent On Any Website Ever. Ever. But I see
a lot of that on ATS. Lots of posts about what kinds guns people like and own, where they are going when given reason to move, what kinds of cars
they'll be driving etc. Survival has become a fad lately, just like the war in Iraq became a fad a few years ago.
Operational Security means just that. Keep your operation secure. Don't bother with rules because situation will always dictate. Stay flexible. And
for God's sake, delete your myspaces and facebooks!