I lived in the woods for a month, and stayed dry, despite several heavy downpours, under a tent made out of a roll of plastic garbage bags and good
duct tape. It cost me about 7 bucks, was cheap, sturdy enough, was lightweight and didn't take up much room, and was easy to assemble. I assembled
the main sheet indoors and then folded it up until I needed it, taking an extra roll of bags and duct tape for patching, and further modification.
Get the bags that come in a roll and are already flat and attached end to end. Fortify the pre-cut seams on BOTH sides with duct tape as you toll out
a length that suits you. Repeat the process until you have a large, lightweight sheet of plastic.
I found two trees about 15 feet apart and tied a strong piece of twine between each, then put towels and folded up t shirts on the line to cushion the
abrasion of the rope against the plastic, and threw the sheet over it. I used either rocks or things I had with me to anchor the sheet to the ground
with weight alone, then used the extra plastic bags and duct tape to cover the sides and floor.
It was really cheap and outlasted my need for it.
Would I have preferred a real tent? Yes. Didn't have one, and couldn't afford one, so I did what I had to do to at least stay dry.
How far would some of you go to survive this type of scenario?
Would you eat a cat? Perhaps a dog?
What about bugs/insects?
Crickets are a good bug/insect. With some protein yumm
They produce a lot of young, 100 eggs per fertile female, in one laying.
They are low maintenance and cost effective, just go to the nearby dollar store and get all the items you need, including their food and water, except
walmart may have large laundry type bins for sale for around $5-10.
The crickets from petco or something like that cost about $7, for about 40-50 crickets, that's including taxes, make sure to get the adult/large
ones. They are currently breeding as it is their time of the season.
After breeding them for sometime you are ready to use them as bait for fishing, cooking (look up the chinese and what they do with them), or using
them for food for raising other animals to eat.
I just thought about it and figured no one else has said anything about it.
Also they will cannibalize if kept in tight spaces together, so they could perhaps eat each other as a food source in a pinch, though i have not
tested to see how well that would work.
Not a well trained dog just a dog roaming around, or a cat roaming. Dogs in a long range type of situation may not be the best thing, since their eye
sight is bad, they would be good for living in a home area for their ears in case they hear any intruders/raiders or something.
And the reason why i said crickets is because they lay lots of eggs, and could be fed to rabbits or something else that can be caught and raised.
I haven't heard anyone mention the cricket idea and everyone seems to be fond of the survival forums so I thought I might bring it up.
It is very cheap to raise crickets and the use of dog food for crickets has a lot of vitamins and minerals, sometimes more then human food, and it can
be bought at the 99 cent stores so it makes for good cricket food.
Overall i found it to be one of the best survival stock-up decisions I have made.