I'll get right to the point and state the facts, as is:
-An estimated of 842 Million people in all corners of the globe suffer from hunger.
-They cannot afford food to feed themselves and their family.
-Because they are hungry, they are weak, undernourished, and suffer from illness.
-Only 900 million people live in developed and industrialized counties like the United States.
-Another 5 Billion live in developing countries with mostly low living conditions.
-400 million people living in countries that are becoming developed nations.
-3 Billion people (roughly half the worlds population of 6.3 billion), live on less than 2 dollars each day.
-In developing nations, 153 Million children under the age of 5 are underweight.
-In developing nations, 11 million children under the age of 5 years old die each year.
-They die from disease and hunger.
-1 billion people around the world do not know how to read.
-23 million people around the world have died of HIV and AIDS.
-Currently 42 million people around the world are infected with HIV and AIDS.
-Almost 93% of people, who are infected with HIV and AIDS, live in poor developing countries.
-Of the many children who die everyday in developing nations, most die from preventable diseases like diarrhea, malaria, measles, and acute
respiratory illness.
-The number of people who can not get enough food increases by almost 15 million people every year.
-In 2001, 11.7% of Americans were living in poverty.
-From 1993-2000, the poverty rate went down. The percent dropped from 15.1% to 11.3%. This was during the Clinton Administration.
-1.3 Billion people around the world don�t have clean drinking water. They drink dirty water that can give them disease.
I personally find this unacceptable! What has the current reigning administration done to date, to combat this sort of oppressive state of living?
When has Bush addressed this issue, and not shoved it under the carpet? He has virtually ignored point blank, the topic of poverty, and
deliberately cut funding, for the No Child Left Behind program. No, instead he decided to wage war.
Here are some links that provide some very useful and important data, pertaining directly to this topic, for those interested.
Also here is a press release, that people will find of interest:
Question is: What are the priorities here? In order to build a stronger more exemplary America, we need to start at home, before we help those
worldwide. How can anyone expect us to do otherwise?
[edit on 5-8-2004 by SkepticOverlord]