posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 11:32 PM
cmj5540: An excellent way to deal with this sort of thing is to write it down and quantify it.
While I am really, really bad about not doing so myself, sometimes when something just screams for attention, I make a note of it in a file on my
It's a simple text file and I just hit a button to date/time stamp it. Belting out a quick description of what I feel is therapeutic, and often seems
to help bring things under control. You would be amazed how much this simple act helps.
Plus you have a record of what you felt to later compare to what happened. If you wish, you can use this form of feedback to cultivate your sensory
ability, or at least come to better understand it.
Don't worry, you're not crazy. These sorts of things are far more common than probably anyone really knows.