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Obamacare will destroy Medicare

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:42 PM
I'm a Conservative but I actually love Medicare. I think it's great and it has given us a boom in life expectancy over the years. I think Obama and the Democrats have destroyed Medicare with Obamacare.

Medicare is basically a reimbursement program. This is great because a Doctor can treat or not treat a patient based on the reimbursement rate. So if a 79 year old lady wants a hip replacement and her Doctor says no because he doesn't want to accept the reimbursement rate from Medicare, she can always go to another Doctor who will accept the reimbursement rate and get the procedure done.

Obama and the Democrats have turned Medicare into an insurance company. Obamacare has something called the IPAB or the Independent Payment Advisory Board. This board will determined which procedures are neccessary and which are unneccesary. This is truly dangerous and will lead to rationing of healthcare. The Board would determined if the 79 year old woman could get a hip replacement and she couldn't pay cash for the procedure because that will be seen as increasing overall medical cost. So she would have to leave the United States to get the procedure done.

This is why Obama talks about reducing the volume in healthcare and there's supposed to be all these Doctors taking out tonsils and cutting off limbs for no reason.

The IPAB turns medicare into an insurance company. The reason you have had this boom is because medicare isn't run like an insurance company.

Things like medicare and social security are basically pyramid schemes. They depend on workers at the bottom of the pyramid to pay benefits to those retiring at the top of the pyramid. So the government depends on a certain percentage of people dying before they reach the top of the pyramid. People are living longer and there not enough workers to pay out the benefits and the system is about to crash.

Obamacare turns medicare into an insurance company where the Independent Payment Advisory Board will determine which procedures are unnecessary.

Also, Obama says if you like your Insurance you can keep it and that's a lie. The reason you have all of these health care waivers from the Obama White House is because these are people being dumped from their insurance. Obama realizes that he can't allow this to happen until after he gets re-elected. This is why he pushed the government exchanges out to 2014. So in 2014 there will be no more waivers and even if you like your insurance, it will not matter. You will be dumped into a government exchange.

This is how you fix Medicare and Social Security. The Republicans are actually trying to save Medicare and the Democrats are destroying it.

1. Increase the retirement age to 75-80 for everyone 45 and under like mysellf.

2. Government can no longer touch the money that comes in for medicare or S.S. The money that they collect can only be used for these programs.

3. Medical Savings Accounts and S.S. Savings accounts. These will be 5-10 slow growth, low risk accounts that will be regulated and you can put half of your S.S. money or medicare money into these accounts. You can also start to draw from these accounts at age 65 in order to offset the increase in life expectancy.

This way principle and interest will pay benefits to people about to retire instead of new workers into the system. Because there will not be enough new workers as people live longer and collect benefits longer.

We have an economy of booms and busts. The dot com boom and bust. The real estate boom and bust. This is a boom we can't allow to busts because we're talking about peoples lives. Obama and the democrats want to turn the system into an insurance company ran by the government. Medicare isn't an insurance company. It's a reimbursement program that provides quality care. If we allow the system to be turned over to the Independent Payment Advisory Board then we will have rationed care and people will die.

Here's some info on the IPAB
edit on 29-5-2011 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 06:48 PM
Obamacare will destroy more than what you have written, Anyone who has good health care now through thier employer will lose it. The sad and evil part is that all of the negative things involved with this plan are intended to destroy the whole field and the people who work in health care

Ask the people in Canada and the UK how the govt run system works, Those that can afford to come to the US do and those that can't wait and in some cases suffer or die
edit on 29-5-2011 by isitjustme because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:13 PM

1. Increase the retirement age to 75-80 for everyone 45 and under like mysellf.

I don't know about that. Many people in the 70's can't keep from craping their own pants. How are they going to hold any type of job? I don't want to work after I am 60. Whats the point in life if you work it all away?

I would suggest leaving the age were it is and spend Medicare funds more properly.

Reform medical care so bandaids don't cost $16 each and aspirin don't cost $20 each in hospitals. They have to first reduce the cost of medical care in general then worry about insurance. i went in on an L&I claim a few years ago. I had a small piece of steel in my eye. It took me about 15mins to do the paper work, sat there for an hour and then spend 10mins in the doctors chair as he scraped the object out. The bill? $2500. How on earth does it cost $2,500 for 10mins of work? There is serious issues that need to be fixed before insurance is messed with but they seem to just ignore that...
edit on 29-5-2011 by jaydeePNW because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

They want to get rid of Medicare and force the elderly to work longer to pay for it, because the government can not keep their littler dirty hands from dipping into the fund, now the fund is gone.

As usual the people and tax payer are the ones paying for the mistakes of the elite in charge. They pay themselves first (AKA) "bailouts" and screw those that need the money the most, the elderly.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by jaydeePNW

I understand where you're coming from but I think it would actually work out pretty well. We're talking about people 45 and under who will began drawing from their social security savings account at age 65 and then collecting a social security check at the age of 75.

That's 20 or more years from now and I wouldn't be surprised if people are living even longer based on some of the breakthroughs that could happen by then. We might have nanotechnology and quantum computers by then and the world will be different for a 70 year old in 2036 vs a 70 year old in 2011.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Good points. If the Government was not allowed to touch Social Security funds and replace them with I.O.U.'s that would go along way. This way principle and interest will pay out the benifit and not new workers.

It's essentially a pyramid scheme that depends on new workers coming into the system to pay out benefits to those retiring. Increase in life expectancy is crashing the pyramid and you can no longer depend on new workers to pay out benefits, you have to allow principle and interest to pay the benefit.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

I understand what you are getting at but I am not sure I agree with the tech advancments. If you listen to alot of people on this site the governemnt is trying to shorten our lives with genetic engineered food.

My point is if they made medical care affordable then all these insurance issues will be non-issues. If 10,000 people go in today and have to pay $2,500 and medicare covered it that is $25million out of medicare funds. If that treatment is more resonable and costs $250 then it is only $2.5million. Huge savings. Why is medical care so expensive in the first place?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:29 PM
the problems will continue.

the high unemployment + less jobs + lower pay rates all contribute to less benefits.

don't forget the fast rising rates for medical services.

i think its all part of the plan to depopulate long term and with maximum profits short-term.

i don't think for one minute that the government "overlooked" anything by "accident" !

they know exactly what they are doing.

they don't have the high paid advisers and accountants for noth'in.

a $ always looks the same turned up-side-down !!

An adjective cannot change the root meaning of a word.

edit on May-29-2011 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

79 year old lady wants a hip replacement and her Doctor says no

They actually do that over there? You guys seriously need an equivalent to the NHS, not trying to start arguements or be insulting but I look at America's healthcare system and it seems pretty backwards.
edit on 29-5-2011 by lifeissacred because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by lifeissacred
reply to post by Matrix Rising

79 year old lady wants a hip replacement and her Doctor says no

They actually do that over there? You guys seriously need an equivalent to the NHS, not trying to start arguements or be insulting but I look at America's healthcare system and it seems pretty backwards.
edit on 29-5-2011 by lifeissacred because: (no reason given)

YES they do this in the U.S.

BUT, there is always an alternative (for now at least) with other Dr's.

some medical orgs can work "cheaper" because they "specialize" in certain procedures.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by jaydeePNW

Medical care is expensive because more people are using it. This is why Obama wants to "reduce the volume" in healthcare. This is basically rationing healthcare to control cost.

It's just like with any other boom. Say you have 1 person getting a hip replacement one month, then the boom occurs and now 10 people are getting them a month. The Doctor will say, hip replacements are in demand, so I can charge more. Just like the real estate boom. You may have had 1 person wanting to buy the $60,000 house one month but the boom happens and now 10 people want to buy the house so now you can charge $80,000 for it.

We basically have to look to fix inefficiency in the system but we can't control cost. If we control cost then the boom would go bust and we're talking about peoples lives not real estate. Obama and the Democrats want to control costs by rationing healthcare but you want people using more healthcare because they're living longer. It's a boom we have to keep going and we can if we allow principle and interest to pay out benefits because we can no longer operate under a system where we have to look for new workers to pay out benefits. This is no different than Bernie Madeoff.

You find 20 investors, you then look for 100 new investors to pay a benefit to the initial 20 investors. You now need 300 new investors to pay out a benefit to the 100 new investors plus the initial 20. It just grows and grows and when you don't have enough new investors then the pyramid crashes. Just replace investors with new workers. Without new workers added to the system to pay out benefits, the system will crash because people are living longer and collecting benefits longer.
edit on 29-5-2011 by Matrix Rising because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:33 PM
Funny how the Right keeps moving the goal posts. When Medicare was introduced, the Right called it "Socialism". Now the OP can say he's a "Conservative" who likes medicare. I guess it wasn't socialism? Or they now like Socialism?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:36 PM
The term "Obamacare" is offensive. This will not detroy it.

Do you really think it's ok for Seniors or kids to get dropped because they got sick? Do you think it's right that if you get sick they drop you?

Quit being a shill for the Big Pharm and Insurance lobby and stop going against your own interests!

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