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Can Giant UFOs Use Clouds to Mask Their Approach?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:49 AM
I know that there are some really strange cloud formations out there, especially in this age of unprecedented wild weather. However, as a storm system approached a few days ago, I noticed a highly unusual set of *PARALLEL, CYLINDRICAL* looking clouds that were part of the higher altitude part of the system. It got me to thinking about some of the UFO footage on Youtube.

Some bonafide sightings by airline, military and civilian pilots have reported mile-wide "walnut shaped" and mile-long "cigar-shaped" UFOs. And, just because there always seems to be confusion regarding the true meaning of "UFO," when I use "UFO" I mean "Unidentified Flying Object," --not necessarily "flying saucer from Mars."

So, could such enormous UFOs use stormfronts to mask their approach into earth's atmosphere? The thunder and booming would explain-away any sonic booms created by their breaking the sound barrier. Clouds would obviously mask visibility. But, what if they used clouds to mask a patrol or other movement, as well?

Well, just some speculation generated by the strange, cylindrical PARALLEL could formations I saw a few days ago. I wish that the lower altitude clouds hadn't obscured most of the formation, but from what I can see, these shots illustrate two, cylindrical clouds, high up and pretty big, perfect for masking cigar-shaped craft.

Of course, even if they are just odd cloud formations, they are still interesting, as I personally haven't seen anything like them before.


NOTE: A lot of the right side of the photos immediately ABOVE and BELOW this paragraph were cropped when I imbedded the image. My original shows a bit more of the parallel lines, but for some reason, this photo and the one below it was significantly cropped by whatever "auto-croppers" that are part of the imbedding process. Frustrating as I don't have time right now to re-edit to perhaps circumvent auto-cropping/formatting by the ATS imbedding system. However, you get a true idea of how long the "cylinders" are in the first image.


NOTE: These images have not been Photoshopped to create these parallel clouds. They have not been color-corrected. This stormfront appeared over Valrico, Florida on May 26th, 2011.

So, maybe we can share thoughts about UFOs using clouds to mask visibility, or just unusual cloud formations that you might have snapped shots of. Feel free to share, conjecture, speculate and opine!
edit on 29-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: Note about photos being cropped by ATS "auto-croppers"

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

You certainly would tend to think so right?

Lenticular clouds all look like they are hiding UFO's to me.

Weird and Strange Lenticular Clouds
edit on 29-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Lets say they exist.......

We don't know anything about their technology, therefore, no one can truthfully answer your question.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by GhostLancer

You certainly would tend to think so right?
Lenticular clouds all look like they are hiding UFO's to me.

--Yes. HIDDEN IN PLAIN SITE. It could be that *enormous* UFOs attract water vapor. It could also be that *enormous* UFOs are **DESIGNED** to do so. You don't need invisibility shields and/or cloaking devices when a simple CLOUD GENERATOR could be part of the design. It is also possible that these clouds are holographic projections of clouds. Again, pure speculation, but then that's where a great deal of major discoveries begin. Great photo!!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:58 AM
Ive been seeing alot more of those clouds here in florida.Ive been getting that same wandering feeling too.Its a pretty unreal sight.A couple of days ago i was getting onto I-4 with my friend and we saw this cloud..I would say it could have been atleast a half mile wide.The distrubing part of it all was the fact it kinda looked like a giant mushroom cloud cap...i dont know how to explain it but ive been seeing large clouds like that more and more often next one i see ill take a snap shot.
Ps im from Deltona fl about 24 miles from orlando

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Im still on the fence for the sake of evidences sake..but there are defo some suspicious cloud formations out there that seem very un-natural. Also thats a very nice pic
You just made me remember some NASA footage I saw not long go..filmed from space recording a huge storm system somewhere over the pacific I think...the curious thing was there was about a dozen UFO'S zipping around the storm, most were at distance seemily observing whilst one or two actually entered it. Wish I had the link..but it was on one of the most common NASA compilations ( I think thats the word lol) maybe you'll come across it

edit on 29-5-2011 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

I've always wondered the same thing. I live in Northern Cali just south of Mount Shasta, and we always see Lenticular Cloud formations around here, particularly around Mount Shasta. Just the otherday I seen one of the biggest I've ever seen before. It always seems like they just hover there for awhile. I dont know if its something to do with they way the wind blows around Mount Shasta & the valley, or if it could be sacred Mount Shasta. On a clear day it looks as if Mount Shasta pushes away the clouds. Like a big ring around the Mountain, a type of force field or something. I have heard & read of an Underground City called Telos deep beneath the Mountain, thats made of light. With powerful Lemurian Crystals. This is said to be one of the entrances to Agartha. I have thought that maybe this is some recharging place for their UFO's, drawing some type of energy from the mountain. I dont know, but it sure would be f'n awesome to know.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by mike49121
Ive been seeing alot more of those clouds here in florida.Ive been getting that same wandering feeling too.Its a pretty unreal sight.A couple of days ago i was getting onto I-4 with my friend and we saw this cloud..I would say it could have been atleast a half mile wide.The distrubing part of it all was the fact it kinda looked like a giant mushroom cloud cap...i dont know how to explain it but ive been seeing large clouds like that more and more often next one i see ill take a snap shot.
Ps im from Deltona fl about 24 miles from orlando

Yeah, I hear you. We are in Valrico, as stated, but on its border with Brandon, and I commute to Southern Tampa regularly. Between all of the large, mushroom clouds, the pillars and the purple lightning (the color of Mace Windu's lightsaber), it's really strange. Also, the sound of the thunder here lately, over the last year, has been VERY VIOLENT and "concussive," like artillery. I've lived in two parts of tornado alley (Arkansas and North Dakota), Virginia, Hawaii, North Carolina and Florida (plus a few trips overseas to England, Spain, the Azores, Japana and Korea). I have never heard lightning like I've heard in Tampa over the last year. Plus, I've lived in Tampa since 2003, so I'm not a newcomer; I lived through the year of four or five hurricanes, too, 2004 I think).

Here is a photo of the stormfront that was approaching when the cylindrical clouds showed up. The cylinder clouds were to the far left of where this photo was taken. It moved in REALLY QUICKLY.

The original photo did not properly illustrate the true colors, the way they looked to the naked eye, so I did color correct in Photoshop for that. The colors of this photo are what the incoming system really looked like, truly a FIRE IN THE SKY. And, again, the ATS imbedding protocol has severely cropped the image, so that you lose so much of what's on the right side. Frustrating, but oh well.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:23 AM
In order to make this theory plausible, wouldn't the cloud in question have to move in conjunction with the UFO? In other words, the particular shape of these clouds would have to travel with the UFO in order for it to remain masked from view.

Wouldn't we have video of clouds moving strangely, rather than just looking strangely?

If one is to claim that the clouds "appear" when the UFO is "parked" or what-not, it would still have to get to that particular cloud, or to the particular area and create the cloud, and would risk visibility in the process, no?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

I would assume that, if (hypothetically) a UFO uses clouds to mask their approach, it would rather create ordinary, inconspicious clouds?
Instead of clouds that stand out and draw attention?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:36 AM
From what I have read, they project a field that can make us hallucinate, so they don't actually need a "cloak" they simply need to prevent our minds from being able to perceive them.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Hey there GhostLancer,

I've always suspected that they use clouds for cover ... or indeed as a cloaking disguise but as another poster already said ... as yet we don't have the proof.

On the subject of 'cloaking' ... 3-4 times in the last month I have been walking my dog late at night before going to bed and at the same place I have looked up to see if there are many stars visible or whether it too overcaste to see them (I live in a rural area so there isn't much light pollution) ... and on these occasions I have seen something move/cloak momentarily.

You know when you look at the sky on a clear night and sometimes you only see a distant star when you move your eyes away (kind of in the peripheral) ... well that is what this is like.

The first time it happened I thought I caught a glimpse of something huge (Independence Day huge) but it had gone/cloaked before my eyes could focus properly.

Now normally I would have dismissed this as imagination but for two things;

#1 This has happened several times now ... but not every time (even when the weather conditions are the same as a previous experience)

#2 On the first occasion that this happened I was really excited and the following morning I couldn't wait to tell my friend (who literally lives across the street) ... but before I could she starts babbling on about being outside in her back yard the previous night having a cigarette (same time I was walking the dog) ... and as she looked up at the sky she thought she'd seen a huge UFO ... we both said 'Independence Day huge' at the same time !!!

Obviously neither of us had a camera handy ... and even if we had it was so brief it would have been impossible to capture ... and this is the reason I never mentioned it on ATS because it's only my word ... and my experience. But seeing your thread I thought I'd share it with you.


posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Why would an advanced civilization even need to bring such a HUGE ship into atmosphere at all, given the major advancements in optics, and remote sampling machines they must have. Not worth the risk to bother bringing in a big ship, just park that thing out of range, plain and simple.

Plus, as someone else in this thread with common sense has already pointed out, if they did use fake clouds for "cover" they wouldn't make clouds that look out of place to conspiracy theorist who still live in mom's basement would freak out about the "unusual clouds". Right?

This is one of those things that a little common sense and reason can pretty much eliminate.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

This theory makes no sense. First off, the UFO would need to be cloaked from dopler radar,visible spectrum,infrared spectrum and scanning radiometers from geostationary weather satellites. No need to get into what the military has on the table.
If the UFO could already do all this cloaking why would it need the cloud?.
It would not! So get your head out of the clouds.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:53 AM
i actually saw something extremely similar about 2 weeks ago, couple hours before a bad storm rolled through. and there were weird lights, almost like a beacon light (though this light was very faint).

i have been watching the skies very adamantly night. i've actually got a couple other people to witness this also: if i stare up at the night sky for a couple of minutes, my eyes will adjust and i will start to see more "stars" and i've been noticing this weird mass of red energies in the sky. these energies will swirl around and clump together and kinda take off in one direction. imagine seeing through someone's veins and watching their red blood cells swimming through their blood. except these energies cover the entire sky. then...these energies will start to swirl around some of these "stars"...then the "stars" will move in a very weird, extremely quick manner and the energies take off again. as though these little "stars" are herding these energies around the sky.

i've heard people say lately that they've been noticing more stars then they used to. they aren't stars. if it's a clear night, try it out and let me know what you think. obviously if you're a skeptic your mind will probably black it out. if you believe in aliens/ufos and are "open" (not just open minded but in touch with the aether) i bet you'll see them.

just give it a whirl. i find the hours of 11-2am to be the most active. i've been watching this for weeks now and have gotten others to see them. turn of your flood lights and as many lights anywhere around you as possible. get comfortable (lay down if looking up for awhile hurts your neck). and just look up into the sky. let your eyes adjust to the dark of the night and the faint lights of the sky. and start looking at the "stars".

i've seen little "stars" seem to almost be fighting each other around bigger "stars". and no this isn't drug induced. also, i've seen "stars" make shapes (usually triangles) and move around in formation. again....these are very subtle things. very subtle. you can't just walk out, give it 2 minutes and see them. you really have to be open. also, i live in atlanta.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Don't you think we would have noticed this on radar?
Sometimes a cloud is just a cloud, if you happen to see an "unnatural" one, document it, you might have the first recorded unnatural cloud.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:29 PM
My answer to this question is yes. I am actually a retired sci teacher as well as fine arts instructor. Guess what, the spiritual side won and I pay attention to the "more than dreams", where I am shown interesting things. Also, I am getting old now and really don't care if others believe me, but a couple of years ago, I was shown this elongated craft with windows around the edge which would look like a cigar from below. It was within it's own cloud and for illustration, came out showing itself for what it was.

I actually saw it so clearly, I drew a picture of the craft, pretty interesting in fact. Some day, I may put together what I have seen or been shown instead of tid bits here and there. LOL According to my wife, we spent some time on it, it was very big in fact.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:48 PM
It's possible clouds would immediately form around an extremely cold object in a hot humid atmosphere and possibly cause some rain to start falling. I wouldn't be surprised if the effect could be created on purpose.

I do remember spotting a small cloud with rain falling from it being escorted by 4 or 5 helicopters one day. I remember this because they were moving quick, the cloud was surrounded by the helicopters and they were flying pretty low right over town. It was the only rain producing cloud that I spotted. They moved so fast, I got a little bit wet before I took cover under the eve of the house. In a matter of seconds the helicopters escorting the cloud were gone. I have never seen a cloud escorted by helicopters before. If the clouds were generated by some alien technology, then I was exposed to the water coming off of the object. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only one who noticed the helicopters flying in formation around the cloud. The cloud was not that big and everything was flying just a short distance above the trees. I could not see any cables or anything connecting the cloud to the helicopters but the helicopters were flying in formation around the cloud. This was a long time ago not far from a military base. I would say something like 20 to 30 years ago. Obviously the rain had no effect because I'm perfectly normal.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Yes they can. They have been doing it for millions of years. We are not ready as it would cause mass panic and fear if one was visible with out the clouds. They use 3D Holograms. This is why we have religion today was from the UFOs hiding in what appeared as clouds and speaking to the people.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:58 PM
nice topic somthing iv often theorized about myself, heres a few more cloud formations you might like.







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