I know that there are some really strange cloud formations out there, especially in this age of unprecedented wild weather. However, as a storm
system approached a few days ago, I noticed a highly unusual set of
*PARALLEL, CYLINDRICAL* looking clouds that were part of the higher
altitude part of the system. It got me to thinking about some of the UFO footage on Youtube.
Some bonafide sightings by airline, military and civilian pilots have reported mile-wide "walnut shaped" and mile-long "cigar-shaped" UFOs. And, just
because there always seems to be confusion regarding the true meaning of "UFO," when I use "UFO" I mean "Unidentified Flying Object," --not
necessarily "flying saucer from Mars."
So, could such enormous UFOs use stormfronts to mask their approach into earth's atmosphere? The thunder and booming would explain-away any sonic
booms created by their breaking the sound barrier. Clouds would obviously mask visibility. But, what if they used clouds to mask a patrol or other
movement, as well?
Well, just some speculation generated by the strange, cylindrical PARALLEL could formations I saw a few days ago. I wish that the lower altitude
clouds hadn't obscured most of the formation, but from what I can see, these shots illustrate two, cylindrical clouds, high up and pretty big, perfect
for masking cigar-shaped craft.
Of course, even if they are just odd cloud formations, they are still interesting, as I personally haven't seen anything like them before.
NOTE: A lot of the right side of the photos immediately ABOVE and BELOW this paragraph were cropped when I imbedded the image. My original shows a
bit more of the parallel lines, but for some reason, this photo and the one below it was significantly cropped by whatever "auto-croppers" that are
part of the imbedding process. Frustrating as I don't have time right now to re-edit to perhaps circumvent auto-cropping/formatting by the ATS
imbedding system. However, you get a true idea of how long the "cylinders" are in the first image.
NOTE: These images have not been Photoshopped to create these parallel clouds. They have not been color-corrected. This stormfront appeared over
Valrico, Florida on May 26th, 2011.
So, maybe we can share thoughts about UFOs using clouds to mask visibility, or just unusual cloud formations that you might have snapped shots of.
Feel free to share, conjecture, speculate and opine!
edit on 29-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: Note about photos being cropped by ATS