posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:40 AM
Hello. I have been reading ATS for about a month before I couldn't stand it anymore and joined to through in my counter opinions to some of the
incredible BS I have read. I have an open mind and pride myuself on it and don't have a very high toerence for BS such as is found on some of the
forums here.
I was born in 1952 and have seen incredible technological progress in my life but it seems that as technological and "stuff" increased the morality
and value of truth decreased. I have seen society dumbed down to the point where I am ashamed to be classified as a human being.
I am a man of faith but not religion. I seek the truth and religion puts you in a box to keep the rest of the universe and all it's wonder out. I am
passionate about what I believe but I'm open to intellectual argument and will if convinced modify my belief structure.
I have no fear.
I was about 10 years old when my older brother and I had a HUGE UFO glide silently over the treetops in our back yard in the early sixties. My brother
ran into the house while I was so startled my knees went out fom under me and I dropped to the ground briefly befor I to ran into the house. Along
with the many other things I have experienced in my life, I have found that there is not much out there that really wants to harm us aside from those
of our own species.
I am not racist except for those who despise me because I'm white. Then I bite back with extreme prejudice! I am proud of the achievments of my
race and wonder why there isn't a NAAWP?
I am also a Mason and Knight Templar and have no repect for those who demean my brothers who have been guardians of civilisation for centuries!
I do not approve of the homosexual lifestyle choice as it does not allow the practitioners to achieve thier highest and best destiny and I think that
homosexuals adopting children is a horror that the creator will not hold the activist judges guiltless in.
These things may seem controversial to you but they are the way I was raised and learned from history work best. I think that is enough for now.