Thank really does make you think......BTW....about your avatar.... I love that cartoon....especially the ones where they have the rock n roll
clown! clown Dethklok rules!
Exactly! Our minds are not capable of understanding the size of the universe....or even just our little part of it.......... it's unbelievably huge.
The sun is MASSIVE, but compared to many other stars, it is tiny. To think that in all that space, and all those galaxies, that there is no other
life......... is just ludicrous!
Here's a video which gives you some idea how tiny we the time you get past the sun, our Earth is so small, it is impossible to even SEE!
It's fascinating and scary all at once!
truly amazing.... if only we could travel to another galaxy there is enough of them for everyone on earth to have their own galaxy.( still dreaming
after watching vids )