posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:29 AM
It's NOT about:
Whether LEGITIMATE copyright infringement or piracy is acceptable or not. I presume most already know that piracy, and the like, are criminal acts and
breaking them can lead to fines, jail time and civil suits. So, I think all know piracy is a CRIME.
It's MORE about:
A loosely worded law being enacted (or in this case, online rights and liberties being taken away) that WILL lead to widespread ABUSE toward those
that are NOT committing any piracy or copyright infringement, what-so-ever.
Also, more than likely, there will be little or no accountability or repercussions from wrongful or erroneous "policing" actions due to these newly
enacted laws. Every persons online activity will be at risk of becoming monitored, taxed, fined, or worse. Even those not perpetrating piracy.
Eventually most online liberties as well as privacy will be stripped away all together under the guise of "piracy" protection and regulation. It's
like the future Patriot Act for the Internet.
I believe in LEGITIMATE copyright protection WHEN it is financed by the company who wishes to protect THEIR privately owned copyright materials
through legal methods (subpoenas, etc). I do not believe taxpayer money and government resources should be used to assist private companies in
protecting private assets. When did the US gov decide to start protecting private corporate assets (I.E. copyrights) instead of focusing on protecting
a persons rights? Yes, the government is attempting to prevent a (non-violent) crime of piracy - yet I think there are more pressing issues that the
diminishing US resources should be focused on.
NEWS: ICE Seizes Domains, Including Sites Not Hosting Pirated Content:
Actually the US Gov is already seizing domains that are not violating current piracy laws. Imagine what will happen when more aggressive "piracy" laws
are passed? on 29-5-2011 by matito because: