posted on May, 28 2011 @ 08:22 AM
Noticed that over the past few days May 26, 27, 28, 2011 that Yellowstone Cauldera has been getting more active again. Don't know if it's because
of more visitor traffic, but there have been harmonic tremor signatures in seismographs from multiple locations within the cauldera. Not a lot, but
enough to warrent observation.
Looks like a lot of earthquake activity around Long Valley continuing too. Both volcanoes are of concern to me knowing that FEMA just had their
"Operation Solid Curtain" exercise this spring that involved all the local disaster agencies as well as government. I've noticed that the
earthquake map for the US at USGS shows a line of quakes running from Long Valley to Yellowstone. Interesting.
I'd like to hear more from the people who are out in the area. I know that the seismograph stations in Norris Basin are no long recording, or they
have been shut off.
Thoughts from you experts out there?