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How do you tell it to your kids?

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:59 PM
First of all, sorry if I post this in the wrong forum, I looked for the right forum, but could not find it. This one having the word education in it seemed like the best to post this thread to.
Second, this is my first topic I start, so please be gentil with me

I really got a question that keeps me bothering all the time. And I would like to hear from other ATS members opinion or tips how to cope with my question.

How do you tell your kids, if you have kids, what the snip is going on on our planet in a kind of none shocking way?

I'm always doubting myself how I should inform my daughter about the status of things going on in the world! It got me in to trouble with some officials because I'm straight forward and cannot lie about such important matters. My daughter is almost an adult, she will be within a few years, and she understands some of the weird stuff going on in our own country, but how to tell her the whole world is snip up?

I really don't know anymore how to tell her stuff, without having her questioning me or my sanity!

Tips are more than welcome!!

Ukuthula !

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
edit on 27/5/2011 by Sauron because: snipped profanity circumvention

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Just tell her it's always been messed up and at times far worse. Explain about the positive things going on and not the negative and all the advances we have made as a species.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by WeirdOldDude

Dear WeirdOldDude

It is real simple.

Introduce her to ATS and if she doesn’t want to know then it doesn’t matter.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:06 PM
The problems in this world are created by two instincts. Greed and fear. I wouldn't get into the details right now. She has her whole childhood ahead of her. Once you implant an idea in her mind. That idea stays in there forever. Like a parasite you never get rid of. It grows and ultimately you want to know more of it. The more you know of it. The deeper and darker your psyche gets. And that messes things up.

Right now, of all times, she needs to have a clean and worry-free mind that will let her enjoy life in peace without hauntings.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:10 PM
Tell her that she will see and hear a lot of things that seem distressing, but she has to decide for herself how she wants to live her life, be remembered, and carry herself in life. We cannot control the behaviour of others, but we can control the actions and behaviour of ourselves.

I have quoted Buddha to my daughter. To paraphrase: "As you think, so you become." The world will be what you see and how you live in it. Do the right thing, treat others fairly, and carry yourself with dignity.

Depending on what you focus on, the world is a horrible place, or it is a miracle in the Cosmos.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:14 PM
This a very good question...I am glad you brought this up because I have four daughters and they span the age gap from 11 to 18. Knowing what and how to tell them some things is really tough and always harder when the truth is sometimes not what they hear everywhere else.

I may be wrong but I tell all of my girls exactly what I know and if I referance anything that I don't know about, or something I have heard on this site, I tell them "well...some people think..." and leave it at that. For the most part they are old enough to understand and make up their own minds, but the young ones always are going to look for the "right" awnser from mom and dad. I just hope that I give them the same truth that I know and hopefully they can learn to discern like all grown up people have to do someday.

How do awnser a question like "are there really aliens daddy"? Well...the truth is I don't know...and that's what I tell them...followed closely by..."well some people say...", and then inevitably, I get this: "well what do YOU think daddy"? Then I have to laugh a little and go right back to a serious "I really don't know honey".

My advice and parenting may not be real popular, but it is how I choose to let my own children know about the world, and the rest of the universe and all it contains. Like every parent I just want the best for my children and I think to have smart, active thinking, kids you have to let them know in the same way you know, and how to protect them from the evils of the world may very well end up just being there for their questions, with an honest awnser.

Hope this helps some...I am curious what other here do.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:17 PM
You should allow her to figure it out on her own. Telling her things that you believe are true will most likely cause her to think you have gotten old and paranoid but we know that each person is different. Some take the so called doom as just a part of life, therefore nothing we can do. Others crawl under the sheets for months until they figure out the so called doom is usually created by the same Elite who control everything else in our world.

In my opinion the conspiracy theories we fight so hard to figure out are created to keep us running like a dog chasing its tail. The entire Birther movement is a creation to keep us from find out who Barry really is. The fake BC put out a month ago looked like a kid had created it. The Nazi's have been pulling tricks longer than we have been alive. Everything they do is planned. They create history and the knowledge we are allowed to have leaked may be nothing but BS. Dont worry about telling her. I may be wrong but we as humans only know what we hear from others. Who is right? Will we ever know for sure? I expect to find these and all my answers when I leave this fleshy body.

Teach her to live without Fear, Greed or Envy and the world will conform to her actions.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Buford2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:18 PM
My grandfather always said "you cannot put an old head on young shoulders"
Obviously i never understood this as a child but now i am a father and grandfather myself i have begun to realise its meaning. You can only ever give advice. But no matter what happens your children will choose their own paths in life based upon what they see and learn. Some of my friends i went to school with were catholic and tended to put too much emphasis on their childrens upbringing and education and this lead to the child feeling bogged down and wanting to oppose the teachings rather than embrace it, which in one case has lead them to drugs. My wife and i on the other hand decided it best to let our children do whatever they please (to a certain point) and we have watched them grow into the most intelligent selfless lovely people they are today. Their beliefs and religious sensibilties have evolved through their own character. I'm ranting on now lol but my point is: let them be. give them freedom and love and the option of choice and they will turn out pretty sound folk

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:30 PM
When I was a teen my mother tried to tell me some pretty far out things, and on top of all my teenage angst and petty high school worries I took the time to tell her in no uncertain terms that she was crazy...
However, she persevered - and to be honest she paved the way for a little alternative thinking by providing books and reading material from alternative sources and always asking questions.

Now that I'm 27yrs old and barely ever see her anymore I'm grateful she made the effort, I'm glad she told me things - sometimes brutally eyeopening things, some things that made me scared back then, and things that still make me wana curl up in a ball too...

Because, now, we see things clearly eye to eye - and I can say, "you know what mum? Maybe you were right".

I don't know how exactly you should go about telling your daughter about the world, but I guess, just be truthful, be open, don't pretend you have all the answers and most importantly just be there through it all.


posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Jepic
The more you know of it. The deeper and darker your psyche gets. And that messes things up.

Right now, of all times, she needs to have a clean and worry-free mind that will let her enjoy life in peace without hauntings.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

This thought really crossed my mind. When I woke up, only a couple of years ago, I tended to dive in to all this and noticed I was just about to loose it all. All the pieces of the puzzle fell into their places and it just confused me like hell. I don't want this for her to happen at a certain point. That's why it is so confusing to me when and how to tell her things.

I really appericiate you all for speaking out. There a some real good tips I'm willing to try. I just don't want my daughter to be flabbergasted as I was when I found out I was just living a lie.


posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by WeirdOldDude

I have 2 daughters who are grown now. Girls are a little harder than boys to explain things to because for every answer you give them there are countless "Why?" and "How?" questions to follow. I always told my kids that our planet is always changing and the people on it are always changing, but that their job was to try to be the best people they could be no matter what was going on in the world around them. Teach your child about love and compassion. She will be grown and learn about the details for herself soon enough.
No matter what you tell her she is yours and she loves you, and really that is all she needs to know!

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM
I have twin 11yo's and a 14yo. Their understanding is the key. The 11yo's are in their world of kiddom still so I don't push too much on them they won't understand or care about. My older son will be starting high school so we have more in depth conversations about world events and what is happening and I ask his opinion. I don't tell him he's wrong or right or try and force my beliefs on him but let him work his way through issues. He's already figured out that all politicians are crooks so I guess he's on the right path. LOL.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by WeirdOldDude

I would tell her that people have made choices throughout history. Some good, some bad.

Right now - pretty much as always - most of the decisions are simply not the best they could have been. Then I'd let her know that regardless of what happens in this life, it all ends the same way. Some live good lives, some live bad lives. Yet we all end up the same.

All we can do is make the best decisions while we're here. Spread joy and light, since these are what make life worth living. It's a mysterious, fantastic universe, and people are only a small part of it. The wonder and amazement out there for the taking are simply mind-boggling.

All the things that we tend to distract ourselves with really don't mean that much, and we give entirely too much weight to the happenings of the HUMAN realm. We are, definitely, a fantastic species with much potential, but we also have many flaws. No real need to focus on ourselves, but best indeed to focus on the wider view of just doing what we can to improve our lot while enjoying the wonder and amazement of all those around us by doing what we can to make things better, while loving the inherent beauty and strangeness of everything else.

Tell them - we can do better, but there's no reason to get wrapped up in things beyond recognizing where we fail, and trying to make it more enjoyable for ourselves and everyone else.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:50 PM
even though my daughters are still very small (5/3) i just answer their question full on and to the best of my knowledge. i really feel like my older one is a little ahead of her age and she does understand quite a few difficult subjects. I was raised in a household that really had a no holds bar attitude...if an abortion topic came up on the news my dad would just tell it how it was..I was probably 9 or 10 when that happened..(just so you know my dad and mom are pro-choice but also told us it was important for women to choose other routes other than just abortion.
Aids, homosexuality, etc was discussed without prejudice. We were taught to accept all people no matter what their beliefs were or lifestyle they chose..and this was in the 70's and 80's.

I'm really glad my parents were so open. We often talk about all kinds of subjects in our house and have kind of a nonchalant attitude in front of our daughters..I just don't want to shield and coddle them into thinking all the world is sweetness and nice..i mean we don't go all doom and gloom on them all the time...

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:20 PM
You don't.
What I mean is, with your daughter being a young adult. She is going to want to be treated like an adult. Especially true with girls. Now you also have to remember the No.1 rule of advice amoung adults ? Is don't give advice unless it is asked for.
So instead of plexing on how you are going to tell her. Wait for the opportunity to fill her in. Wait until something
comes up like on the T.V. Some news about something that causes her to ask the question of " How can someone be so cruel"? for instance. You see? Things will roll a lot smoother if you wait for the right moment. You start off simply
trying to help her understand a certain something that has her vexed. Then let that lead the conversation to where you can guide it. Also don't give to much at once. A little at a time because it is hard to digest for a lot of people. You may be surprised that she has a good idea already.

Most of all don't worry. You sound like a great Dad.
edit on 27-5-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:22 PM
I just tell them, out in the open. I show them videos too. They argue with me sometimes but are shocked to find out the world has so many starving children. I'm constantly trying to get them to think of others and the world we can/could/should and must live in.
The World I Want To See!

Anything else is slavery and a crime against humanity and therefore instrinsically illegal and a violation of our sovereingity and our rights to land and resources, but also honors our collective abilites, without forcing anyone.
And we're the oversee'ers, our counsels, that we all participate in,
edit on 27-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
@ randyvs:
completly true the part about the girls and being treated like an adult. (but only if it suites them best)

The "problem" is, I'm a single dad for over 13 years now, I'm the only reference she's got in this matter and not the most subtile one in telling or explaining something.

I just notices how ego-centric they (kids) all seem to be. It's only Me, Me and Me again, never them or they. That is what I like to teach her. Care about others too, not only about yourself. Teach her that the world is bigger then her own little world. It's very hard for me to remember my youth and how I used to be at that age. (might be alzheimer or just forgot about it 'cause of the traumatic nature of my youth.)

And I know, at least some people told me, she is still a young adult, let her enjoy her youth. Well, to a certain point I can agree on that. But I think, there is not much time enjoying your youth when this much of weird and bad things happen all around you. It's just like, there is not much time for fooling around like we probably used to do. The times have changed and time growing up a responsible, non-egocentric loving and caring person is scarce nowadays. (or it is just me being in a rush !?).

But it is very interessting to read how different thoughts in this matter are. I'm glad or better said relieved that your thoughts are different from one and another, so there is no universal rule or thruth how to make such descision about what to tell and what not to tell.

thanxx all !

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by WeirdOldDude
First of all, sorry if I post this in the wrong forum, I looked for the right forum, but could not find it. This one having the word education in it seemed like the best to post this thread to.
Second, this is my first topic I start, so please be gentil with me

I really got a question that keeps me bothering all the time. And I would like to hear from other ATS members opinion or tips how to cope with my question.

How do you tell your kids, if you have kids, what the snip is going on on our planet in a kind of none shocking way?

I'm always doubting myself how I should inform my daughter about the status of things going on in the world! It got me in to trouble with some officials because I'm straight forward and cannot lie about such important matters. My daughter is almost an adult, she will be within a few years, and she understands some of the weird stuff going on in our own country, but how to tell her the whole world is snip up?

I really don't know anymore how to tell her stuff, without having her questioning me or my sanity!

Tips are more than welcome!!

Ukuthula !

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
edit on 27/5/2011 by Sauron because: snipped profanity circumvention

Simple... You don't..

Don't involve her in the silly drama in world events and media scandles. She'll figure it out one day, most people do.

Let her be with her innocent mind... it will only last for so long and its a precious thing

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:12 PM
As a woman who is debating whether or not to start a family, one for this very reason, because of the state of the world, if I do have children, this is how I plan on raising them.

I am a hard-core- and i mean hard-core truther. I have known the truth for 12 years now. I refuse to lie to my children the way my parents lied to me. I dont believe that lying to your children about Santa Clause or sugar coating Sex is protecting your children, its teaching them not to trust you.

I may infact have to home-school my children, as I will almost always disagree with the lessons and rituals being performed and engrained and indoctrinated into my childrens head. One example- the pledge of allegiance. Another- beliving that the government is good. That the history books are correct. And more importantly to me anyways, the fact that aliens do exist because I am an abductee- and and Medium and the fact that our government is and has been doing this "farming" on the american population and just allowing an innocent child to grow up to believe that it lives in a world filled with lollipops and sugarplum fairies is not doing them any justice. They will learn the truth eventually. Why not being truthful from the beginning, but tell it in a way that isnt scary and in a way they can understand when they are old enough. Just my thoughts.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:33 PM
Well, one thing you could certainly do is teach them (yeah, actually teach) how to do things the "old fashioned" way. Ya know, like from scratch n stuff (their language).

  1. Teach them how to filter water of all grades.
  2. Teach them how to make bread.
  3. Teach them how to fish and grow a food garden.
  4. Teach them how to defend themselves.
  5. Teach them how to build a makeshift shelter (or find one).
  6. Teach them how to see a "set-up" coming.
  7. Teach them how to make and keep genuine friends.
  8. Teach them consequences (tough love).
  9. Teach them how to stay cool and/or warm without electricity.
  10. Teach them how to stop panicking and assess a situation.
  11. Teach them how to look for things...meticulously.
  12. Teach them how to do arithmetic by hand (as schools aren't).
  13. Teach them how to enjoy reading "hard copy".
  14. Teach them basic, and maybe advanced first aid - with everyday materials.
  15. Teach them how to clothe themselves when The Gap isn't available.
  16. Teach them how to play games with nothing but their mind.
  17. Teach them how to write and address 'snail' mail (again speak their language).
  18. Teach them how to make fire from everyday things (like lenses).
  19. Teach them the difference between edible and non edible plants, insects and animals.
  20. Teach them how to make ammunition and shoot a gun (very necessary).
  21. Teach them how to swim and ride a bike.
  22. Teach them how to keep their feet clean and dry.
  23. Teach them how to expand the size of their world when appropriate, and why.
  24. Teach them how to take full advantage of any "system" they live under.
  25. Most of all, teach them how to keep "The Fire" in their belly.

Basically just teach them the stuff that the last generation or two has taken for granted and are currently dying without divulging to their ultimately VERY spoiled children.

If you don't know this stuff, consider yourself left out by your parents, but take the initiative to learn it WITH your children.

And when they ask you why you're teaching them this stuff, THEN maybe teach them what's really going on.

All mammals fear the unknown (for good reason), but knowledge is quite powerful in this regard.


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