posted on May, 27 2011 @ 06:13 AM
I know y'all will take this with a grain of salt without video or photo graphical evidence BUT, ...
2 nights ago, (Wednesday night) I heard two very loud engines flying overhead. so I go outside, and see two fighter jets. It was 8:30 so I could only
just make out the 2 faint lights on the things, but definitely jets. Just not sure on the model. Anyways, I was thinking, hm must be flying to the old
air force base (Williams). So as they got more east (now no longer over my house, but still in view but by no means close to me anymore) I go to the
side of my house that views East, into my backyard. I see just like in these videos a red light. It was odd because it was an orb, but definitely a
light, but these videos show exactly how it appeared in the sky. The jets didn't fly to it necessarily, but as they approached, the jets slowed down,
went left (North) and the red light followed. Was really bizarre.
edit: I should clarify I don't really consider the light ET in origin.. but bizarre none the less. Just the entire scene was bizarre, and I've lived
by Williams for the last 10 years. Seen nothing like this.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Syroco because: (no reason given)