There's an article today in titled: "Truth Decay: Conspiracy Theories and Hoaxes Are Blurring Reality" at:
It's adapted from Greg Guma's Rebel News Round Up, broadcast live on The Howie Rose Show at 11 a.m. Fridays on WOMM (105.9-FM/LP – The
Radiator) in Burlington, VT.
The article is interesting and makes reference to many conspiracies and such that appear here on ATS and elsewhere. The 182 (at present) comments
that follow the article are worth reading as well.
I must say that I agree with one of the conclusion of the article.
"In short, some theories may be distractions or even deliberate deceptions, but others are worth considering, as long as we stipulate that they
aren’t necessarily facts and resist exaggeration. The problem is that it’s becoming more difficult to tell the difference in an era when facts
have been devalued. There are so many possibilities, the standard of proof appears to be getting lower, and theories tend to evolve, expand and mutate
rapidly in unexpected ways as they circulate through cyberspace. As yet, there is little follow up to see whether new facts reinforce or discredit a
particular idea or prediction. Corruption of truth meanwhile contributes to social division and civic decay. Yet there are apparently no consequences
for stoking paranoia, intentionally confusing speculation with fact, or perpetrating a premeditated hoax."
I agree because I'd include another dimension beyond the cyberspace realm, and beyond "theories" noted in the quote. I'm disgusted by how often
politicians, pundits, lobbyists, radio talk show hosts, tv news "correspondents," "advisors," "specialists," and such, knowingly, blatantly and
unashamedly lie. Looking straight into the camera or talking straight into the microphone and simply misstate facts, without being challenged on the
distortion. And the fact that this is as pervasive as it is, and as accepted as it is by the general viewing and listening audience, makes this
concept of "Truth Decay" a dangerous reality. Propaganda's been around for a long time. But it's getting to the point of the absurd.
The onus is upon the general public to try to get to the truth. Here on ATS, there are some pretty nutty threads at times, but more often than not,
there are some extremely well-researched, well-analyzed, and well-critiqued posts and comments that try to get to the heart of the matter.
Unfortunately, much of the mainstream is more than happy to go along, unquestioningly, with whatever is said on radio or tv as actual propaganda, ...I
mean "fact."