posted on May, 28 2011 @ 07:54 PM
Thanks for sharing.
Unfortunately, at most i've probably stopped for a short period, if at all.
Thing is, though, i do try to make time to appreciate the beauty that is everywhere, and surrounds us all.
But, I am in the rat race, living about paycheck to paycheck, so - I guess like most of the 2000 people who had the opportunity to witness this
amazing performance (wish the video was longer) I needed to be somewhere SOON to meet my employment/economic responsibilities. And i live in a city
of @ 150K, nothing like new york - much more laid back here in the "land of manana", but still, the bills won't pay themselves.
Sad, i guess, but simply a sign of the times (& paradigm) we're in.
I do have to agree with the poster above though, that most people aren't familiar enough with the Classical Genre to even take notice of such great
On a side note, i wonder how many thousands of people would've stopped for Justin Beiber.
Again, thanks OP.