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Sheriff Arpaio arrests 3 of his own officers for working with drug cartels

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:40 AM

PHOENIX – Three employees of America's self-proclaimed toughest sheriff have been arrested in a drug and human trafficking case, authorities said Tuesday.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said a deputy and two female detention officers at the sheriff's largest jail facility were among 12 people taken into custody and accused of being in a Phoenix-based international drug smuggling ring.

The article says that one of the detention officers was a member of the Sinaloa cartel. Im not sure if the others have claimed an organization yet.

Plus a few more of Arpaio's crew are being investigated.

Deputy Ruben Navarette, Hernandez, and detention officer Sylvia Najera face felony charges. Seven other sheriff's employees were being investigated for their possible involvement.

Navarette admitted to passing information about the sheriff's crime-prevention operations to the group, Arpaio said. The deputy also was accused of being part of a separate human trafficking ring that smuggled illegal immigrants from Arizona to California.

Navarette was an active member of the alleged drug smuggling group, helping launder money, transport drugs and even adding security cameras to the ringleaders' home, according to court documents. The operation produced heroin at a ranch in Mexico, and brought it to Phoenix in loads of 5 to 10 pounds each, authorities said.

All I can say is, wow.

"No one is above the law, and apparently no one if beyond the reach of drug trafficking organizations in Mexico," Montgomery said. "It's just one more illustration ... that the border is not secure. We have cross national transportation of drugs and illegal aliens that has now involved law enforcement officials here. And they've been able to do this and be ongoing in their efforts."

So now the drug cartels have their own members operating in the "toughest" (Thats what Arpaio says) police department in the US......

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:46 AM
And the line between unsanctioned street gang and the sanctioned blue gang blurs just a little more.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:46 AM
Unfortunately, there are probably drug "cartels" operating in most police departments in the US. I don't agree with all this guy does, but I think it's great that he is keeping tabs on his own and doesn't protect them, as many cops would. Thumbs up to Arpaio on this one.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:49 AM
I love Sherriff Joe!!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Unfortunately, there are probably drug "cartels" operating in most police departments in the US. I don't agree with all this guy does, but I think it's great that he is keeping tabs on his own and doesn't protect them, as many cops would. Thumbs up to Arpaio on this one

Im not a big fan of Arpaio, but I have to agree with him on this one to. When I first saw this article, I was thinking, "Oh, they're just gonna get a slap on the wrist like usual." Nope! He actually did the right thing!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:16 AM
Good work on the Sheriffs Dept. !, however I think getting caught by the authorities is safer than just going directly to the authorities when approached by cartels to work for them. They have been known to kill people on the spot for refusing to join, and I imagine their families are threatened so as not to alert the authorities. I am willing to bet there are far more people working for the cartel, and if not now, there will be.

I would say, expect to see more and more law enforcement arrested in similar situations.

They can tighten up the border all they want, unfortunately the U.S. has an unquenchable thirst for drugs, and dirt cheap labor, people will always find a way around.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:30 AM
OK, I am willing to eat my own words here.
I have made no bones about the fact that I hate Hate HATE ALL COPS!!!
If they aren't corrupt and abusive, they know one who is and yet they do nothing.
I have heard the phrase "the only good cop, is a dead cop" before.
I don't necessarily disagree.

The only thing necessary for evil to persist, is for good men to do nothing.
This country is full of corrupt pos LEO. The ones who MIGHT have a little bit of
morality and respect for our constitution, are too big of a pussy to stand up for what's right
and report what they know, because that is a one way ticket to the unemployment line!!!

Then, along comes Sherriff Arpaio. He has restored my faith, if even just a little.
I have heard of his legend before.
He is 'Tough on crime'!
But there is a big difference between being tough on crime and actually leaping over the thin blue line and ARRESTING SEVERAL OF YOUR OWN OFFICERS!!!!

Way to go Sheriff!!!!
I love you.
You may be the ONLY cop I would save if you were drowning in a river.!!!

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