posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 09:37 AM
What it is going to take, initially, is all of the current militant groups in the US to join together for the common good. Then those of us who are
lone wolves have to join in. Revolution can be achieved, and without much violence, but you can't sit behind your keyboard and expect things to
change. Look at the tea Party movement. That was truly an inspiration to watch. An anomaly that gained momentum quickly. You need a spark to
ignite the fuse. You need passionate citizens dedicated to the cause, spreading the word. You need leaders not afraid of TPTB.
If you honestly want change, the revolution, then start in your basement. Start spreading the word to friends and family. Build the network,
organize meetings, protests, news releases anything to get the word out and get attention. It would be like a snowball. But only YOU can start the
revolution. Sitting back and waiting for others to "start" won't get it going. Waiting for the "signal" won't get it started. You will.
I for one am fed up with this country no longer serving it's people. I am a veteran and I did not serve just to watch our country being taken over
by greedy politicians and corporate vampires. if our founding fathers could see us now they would roll over in their graves! We have become the
society they fought to free us from! You want a revolution? Then prove it!