posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 05:16 PM
I wrote this in response to someone's reply in another forum and thought it would be good to post here in regards to how eye movement triggers are
Programming people's eyes to move in very percise ways is actually super easy though it will take at least a few minuets on 10 separate days.
Eye Movement Programming In Relation To Pavlo's Dog Programming
The idea is that its just like programming, or conditioning, Pavlo's dog to salvinate. With Pavlo's dog, you train the dog to salvinate when you
flick on a light switch by giving him a snack to eat which causes him to salvinate, and while he is salvinating you flick on the switch. You repeat
this process of getting the dog to salvinate by giving him a snack to eat and then associating this behaviour with the visual trigger, or in
psychology called a "Conditioned Stimulus", which can be any sense even sound, smell, or action. After 10 days of doing this to the dog when you
flick the light he will salvinate automatically without needing to give him a snack
Eye Movement Programming During Shows or Performances Where People Follow The Show With Their Eyes
In respect to programming, or conditiong, eye movements to be triggered by a visual or sound Conditioned Stimulus, you need merely wave something in
front of a person or a crowd and expecting them to follow with their eyes. While their eyes are following the things moving, such as watching a show,
parade, or church processing, distinct sounds are associated with particular eyemovements repeatedly. I.E.:
Every time Statue 1 moves from point A to B: Sound Trigger 1 is associated.
Everything Statues 2 and 3 are moved around and then crossed (making eyes cross and produce hallucinations of doubles): Sound Trigger 2 is
Every Time States 4 and 5 are moved around and then statute 4 is moves away from statue 5, while statue does not move (producing eye movements of
hallucinatory movements): Sound Trigger 3 is associated.
... etc
After 10 days of assiocating the Sound Triggers with the specific eye movements, they need only lpay the Sound Trigger to cause the irregular eyement,
which produces the halluncination effect. I.E. Sound Trigger 2 causing eyes to cross and produce the hallucination of doubles.
Does this help explain how easily it is to do.
Another Way to Program Eye Movement:
Eye movements can also be programmed by also watching a person's eyes and whenever they make a particular movement to associate their own independent
eye movements with particular triggers.