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God The Term Contrived By Man. Religion A Fallacy.

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Ancient Hebrew terms for man and woman, male and female is JAD HAVAH.

Should I stop here?

JAD being the word for Male, Judaism being a MALE/Chauvinistic religion and thus JAD = Supreme Diety = supreme diety is a Male = Male principle is superior = JAD the word for male in ancient hebrew became the term GOD....JAD to GOD.

Or... one schooled in philosophy might see some deeper meaning to this in that they might believe this is symbolism for the concept that MAN is GOD or "collective mankind is God incarnated individually" i.e. GOD IS ALL or WE ARE GOD

Now, if we knew the source archetypes behind the ancient hebrew words for male and female, JAD HAVAH, then we might find that it loops right back around to GOD/DIETY from MALE/MAN/MANKIND.

"and then they called upon the lord jehovah"
"and then the lord called upon them JAD HAVAH"
"at that time our race, to better ensure survival, was mainly a race of hermaphrodites and then we evolved into both male and female sexes"
This verse is so ancient as to be almost incomprehensible to modern scholars as most cannot possibly imagine a human race of hermaphrodites even though this "gene" is still with us/mankind and even though we are all "females" for the first trimester leading to the inevitable conclusion that "in an instant" the human body decides to either remain a female or become a male and I bet if this "option" were removed from our current "blueprint" we would find that we would collectively revert back to the method of reproduction that best ensures our survival.

I do not know what "IT" is and I think it is suppose to be a mystery and that we might actually be "IT" so it is a matter of hiding in plain sight, or hiding something in that last place most people think to look

What is GOD? GOD is a word made up of three letters which are nothing but symbols and I truly believe that the above explains the root etymology to this most overly abused and used term and this is what I received after reading some Theosophy ala H.P.Blavatsky... a woman who wrote a brave series of books that simply rip the hide away from most modern religions and probes deep within their bowels, well over a hundred years ago, branded as a charlatan, a fraud, a cultist, a satanist....everything but the kitchen sink tossed at her by the MEN OF POWER who she posed a threat to.

See, that didn't hurt that much now did it?

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:00 PM
religions a lie guaranteed its all about control and fear. control you do this, scare you away from that.
but if you say there is no 'god' you lie.
there is a creative spirit that loves everyone that is the essence of god, its all knowing, all powerful and its actually in us all. you can be ignorant and deny this but understand this is truth best i can phrase it right now

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by OverMan

Thank you your input has been truly insightful i will star your post. I shall read it once again since it was that good. Thank you for sharing such insight!

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Seektruthalways1

Why does there even have to be a question "Why am i Here" That is simply a facet of human consciousness that instinctively seeks an answer to things.

In my opinion the Universe does not raise questions about why we are here; Humans raise these questions. The Universe sits idly by while we inhabit it. We are a coincidence in my opinion we happened to exist because of all the events in the universe leading up to now which is quite amazing but i believe that life is plentiful in the Universe.

More evidence is increasing the possibility that life like us exists throughout our galaxy and/or primitive life and/or animal like life at least.

peace my friend.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by seraphnb

Originally posted by TheUniverse
When it all comes down to us being here because of coincidence.

Coincidence! When I look at biology, at the human body, all the "coincidences" around us . . .
I cannot imagine how some people do not believe in a God.


Even if you take atheist's admissions at face value(spirituality being in the brain aka the "God delusion"), then atheist's are inherently defective by their own admission. As a biologically functioning person could never be an atheist(in so much that as normally function heterosexual cannot be a homosexual). So society is to take at face value the ranting and ravings of atheist's is absurd as they are not fully functioning human beings.

One could argue that maybe they arrived at their conclusion through reason? Even so using reason to understand the world around us requires us to use our senses. Since their senses are not functioning properly to begin with they have no true comprehension of it, thus all atheist's are also irrational as well(from the perspective of a human being free of defects it requires a larger leap of faith to believe in atheism then in a kind of "Supreme Creator"/"Divine Spirit").

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by TheUniverse

Well, thank you very much yet as I pointed out, I cannot take credit for this "thought" because as far as I can find Blavatsky was the only modern author who put these pieces together or the only one to do so who is known for doing so.

The Secret Doctrine as well as Isis Unveiled are two tombs/books that IMHO one must read/study to begin to fully comprehend the vastness of all of our collective belief systems as I have found things are not so simple as modern scholars hmm "experts" like to believe.

Honestly, if you read them I seriously doubt you would have started this thread and if so you would have titled it differently because it is very hard to deny that at least some of our beliefs are based upon fact.

Just think about all the civilizations that have came and went, how many 1000's of years of existence and what they may have witnessed in that time.
Aliens? Of course... why not?
Strange forces that can somehow communicate yet not be seen by the human eye...why not?
Like infra red? Like radio waves? Like microwaves? Like the invisible power of a Mag Lev.

Ultimately, Anything is possible, even their mangod yet that does not mean that this mangod is the sole creator of everything and this is the GOD which I seek yet as I peek deeper and deeper into the abyss I have found nothing but a calm pool of darkness with a relection of myself cast upon it and that may be the true divine revelation.

Once upon a time Knowledge was Religion was Knowledge and I hope we can return to that place again one day.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:24 AM
From a ancient Christian writing rejected by the Roman church...

From "The Gospel of Thomas".... Quote;

56. Jesus said,

“Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse,
is superior to the World.”

Nothing Religious here in the above Quote.

The Definition of God as per "The King James Version" is given in "The Gospel According to John" in Ch 1 verses 1 to 13..

Stating that God comprises of 2 Components....

1. The "WORD" which implies "Communication" in this Case the letters are G O D.
To understand this Word, you need to first know, and Understand The ZION Language (Not Hebrew) which is The Language of the "Processing System" of "The True Mind" or LIFE.

2. The LIFE of God which is The "LIGHT" of MEN NOT A'DAM.

The LIGHT is basically what many refer to the Spectrum from RED to VIOLET.

My point being.... Both "LIFE" i.e. "LIGHT" and "Communication" exist, so what’s this got to do with religion produced by the "Species"?

Religion is of the "Species" No question about that.... But...

If we study the writings in a Non-religious way, we find a completely different story, than what is taught, by those of the Doctrine of Rome or other denominations whose Roots are in the Roman church.

As for The Word G O D. it has a totally different meaning, than what is assumed by Religious people....

To find the true meaning of The Word whose Letters are G O D, we need to go back through the ION (Greek Ionic Language) to the ZION Language (Which is a "Geometric Language" involving "The Processing System" of "The True Mind".

What you believe to be your Universe, is Nothing more, than what is Produced by a "Memory Map" whose Contents is scrolled across your field of your Vision in a "Processing System" very few of The "Species" knows anything about.

Regarding "Communication", this is Not just about the languages of the Earth but involve Communication between all things in your universe, including all 5 senses of the Species as well as The Communication involving the ZION Language of "The True Mind."

Your whole experience from a baby until the day the body ceases to work is all "Communication" and Nothing else. Think about it... History is but a Story..

Record of this "Processing System" and its "Processing Language" is recorded Historically, in Architecture and Decor of Government Buildings, Palaces, All religious Temples, Monasteries, Cathedrals, churches, Mosques, Public Buildings involving Mosaics and Pattern work in Windows Ceilings, Walls and Floors all over the World.

If the "Species" really understood, they would be crossing Galaxies in minutes to explore the other civilisations in this little Universe.

But to achieve this requires knowledge of The "Technologies" of "The True Mind" which has Produced ALL.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

You really need to expound on your assertions.

especially this one

What you believe to be your Universe, is Nothing more, than what is Produced by a "Memory Map" whose Contents is scrolled across your field of your Vision in a "Processing System" very few of The "Species" knows anything about.

Regarding "Communication", this is Not just about the languages of the Earth but involve Communication between all things in your universe, including all 5 senses of the Species as well as The Communication involving the ZION Language of "The True Mind."


A Material Effigy that is worshipped as a god.


Any Supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force.


A man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people.

Most of what i ascertained from your assertions. Seems apparent to be what i would call mumbo jumbo obfuscating cryptic confusing and yet witty assertions.

Just because you can throw something together that appears witty and insightful doesn't lend it any more credence.

But all in all as the saying goes



edit on 4-6-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:21 AM
When I was a 10 yr old girl, I decided to read the bible, then read it again and again. In my hand was a plastic dinosaur. I could never equate what was physically proven to be true, scientifically, to what was written by man about a spiritual deity. I spent 2 yrs taking myself, on my own, to a local church to study this wondrous being that no-one had proved to exist. At 12 I knew the bible to be flawed in its teachings. This blue marble we live on, is as best as it gets.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:35 AM
God as we present the term really is fake and imaginary and it is very easy to prove
I will try to be as generic as possible in this explanation.

#1 there are only two things that exist in the universe--things that are alive and things that are not alive.

#2All humans express ourselves within our physical environment by focusing and directing our free will to manifest that which we desire to have.If we are the only human on earth we will still express our focused free will to manifest that which we desire every time we cut a tree or eat a creature or start a fire,and we will continue to manifest things in the physical world for our entire lives,this is a natural state of being,if we do not do this we die.

#3we require other humans to nurture us emotionally,this nurturing is akin to feeding us,we need other humans so we can manifest a cumulative reality together that we might prolong our experience of emotional interaction,this is how we exist,we all excercise our free will in a focused intended paralell manner to enable us to interact within the cumulative reality all humans share.We manifest our desires within this cumulative agreed upon reality,we can imagine things within this cumulative reality and these imagined desires will become as seeds with a chance to manifest in the physical world in the form of duplicates of our desires made with natures materials.

#4we manifest our desires as humans using the materials NATURE PROVIDES.There are no other materials possible other than those provided by nature because manifestation using directed imagination within the cumulative reality is limited to that environment----we cannot manifest nature we can only use her assets to duplicate nature as close as we can to fulfil our desires.We work as a group and duplicate every facet of nature we understand as per our desires.

#5we cannot create anything outside of our cumulative reality,we are limited by the boundries of our physical environment,the materials were already here,we cannot create dirt or a rock,we can imagine a fascimile and manifest it with help from our scientific friends but we still cannot create anything new.

^God could not have created us unless he was a material part of our universe as a rock or dirt,and because we cannot see him or aknowledge him within the confines of our physical world HE CANNOT EXIST,it is not possible.God must be a manifestation ,IMAGINED,within the cumulative reality we all share,and the belief in the idea is really just an expression of misdirected or stolen focused and directed free will.

An imagined idea that we cannot manifest into the physical world ,and an imagined idea originating from within our cumulative reality CANNOT CREATE A ROCK OR DIRT-----AND MORE IMPORTANTLY BECAUSE IT IS AN IMAGINED IDEA IT WAS ORIGINATED AS A DESSIRE FOR EMOTIONAL INTERACTION INIATED BY A HUMAN EXISTING WITHIN A CUMULATIVE REALITY.

Hence my friends there is no god as you could possibly know the idea,in fact WE ARE GODS ---EVERY LAST ONE OF US.

Religon can only exist within our cumulative reality because it is based on imagination which is really in essence an agreement between humans to allow something to manifest into our reality with their help and support.

Now you see why religons are wrong,they capture and steal and misuse the focused and directed free will of humans and use it to maintain their existence within our cumulative reality.

Religon is not natural,it is like a virus and it fights to remain in existance and it selfpropogates using humans emotional requirements for interaction as the honey to the bee.

But religon introduces the idea of divinity to our cumulative reality ,ut you see we cannot imagine and then duplicate divinity using the materials nature has given us ,THEREFORE DIVINITY IS NOT POSSIBLE AND IS A LIE.


edit on 4-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 01:49 AM
Human beings, for survival, have belonged in groups. Modern man belongs to many groups. Affiliation to a group means you are governed by the rules and influenced by the groups thinking. Religious groups are striving for survival in another life.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by TheUniverse


Referring to yourself no doubt....

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by korathin
Even if you take atheist's admissions at face value(spirituality being in the brain aka the "God delusion"), then atheist's are inherently defective by their own admission. As a biologically functioning person could never be an atheist(in so much that as normally function heterosexual cannot be a homosexual). So society is to take at face value the ranting and ravings of atheist's is absurd as they are not fully functioning human beings.

One could argue that maybe they arrived at their conclusion through reason? Even so using reason to understand the world around us requires us to use our senses. Since their senses are not functioning properly to begin with they have no true comprehension of it, thus all atheist's are also irrational as well(from the perspective of a human being free of defects it requires a larger leap of faith to believe in atheism then in a kind of "Supreme Creator"/"Divine Spirit").

Atheists are the ones who weren't brainwashed in their youth. So the damaged ones are the believers. No rational human being believes in personal God(s). There's always (99.9%) a brainwashing event behind the absurd belief into something that was never proven in any way, and what about all observations contradict. For example evolution has been proven to be a fact with higher certainty than almost any other scientific theory. Yet, a believer of personal God somehow perhaps unconsciously (because of the damaged brains) fails to see the logic and the evidence as they are because of the ideas that were implanted into their minds when they were young and vulnerable (perfect prey for religions).
edit on 4-6-2011 by rhinoceros because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by sussy

I was very similar when young i always doubted God existence especially from the religions of this Earth. Ever since i was a child.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by rhinoceros

Agreed the Religion pray on the young and naive; when its best to start their insidious indoctrination.

Religion has been the root of all evil and most conflict in the past; and still is in many places today.

Religion is something i see as being studied in 100's of years as an archaic practice by humans who were too naive to understand the absurdity of religion.

I'm not saying there isn't a possibility of a god because we can't prove this yet; or ever for that matter perhaps.

But i am saying that a god that caters to the needs and or is solely the caterer to humans on this Earth is a bunch of crock.

When will they stop following the Religions (especially the ones that used to believe the Earth was the centre of the Universe).

I guess it takes time for humanity to come out of ignorance. Especially when we are indoctrinating children at a young age with Religion Practices and Rituals. Etc

When we learned revelations of the Universe, The Cosmos, Space, The Planets, The Stars , The Galaxies.

Humanity finally realised that we were just one small piece of the puzzle in the Universe.

Now most Religions do 180 with the new scientific discoveries in the last 4-5 centuries and they profess and agree with most of the public that indeed other planets yes and some like earth and many other worlds exists out there.

So Religions are actually hypocritical. They Assert that everything in the bible is 100% fact as taken from the word of god himself. When there are so many contradictions its mind blowing.

You look at it and wonder why people follow religion in the westernized world.

You see that many people are abandoning religion at a hastening rate because they realise the non-sense and absurdity of it.

Most who follow it now were indoctrinated as Children and are guilt tripped by their fellow worshipers into following God etc because they do not want to felt left out or feel like a traitor etc.

We look and see that Agnostics(Myself) And Athiests are gaining strength and Numbers.

Its time we shed ourselves from the Contrived Term by man that is God is Religion and seek some truth in this World.

For me it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion however satisfying and reassuring. -Carl Sagan

Instead of Doing this as i will quote from my Favourite Post on ATS>

john_bmth quoted

"Insulting? If my phrasing sounds ridiculous, that's because it is. People who rise from the dead are called 'zombies'. Christians believe they drink the blood and eat the flesh of their Zombie Lord. Don't be insulted by my words, take it up with the Bible.

But in any case... no, I do not find the idea of Pappa Zombie Lord magicking the universe into existence to be in any way plausible."
edit on 4-6-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Referring to EveryONE


posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Humans tend to anthropomorphise things... It's pervasive throughout all cultures and through all ages. Like a child does to a pet rock, or when adults say things like "she's a good ship to sail" and so forth. Humans form bonds with inanimate things all the time. God is simply the human races anthropomorphism of the universe.


posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by TheUniverse

i regard God and Religion as Cult Think.

yes cult... no matter the size of the congregation, even if they be in the billions of people.

Myth is way different than Cult, Jesus may be myth but Christ is Cult, God & Logos are cult think too
Buddah is more ideology than Cult but is founded on its OK


posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Do you mean, humans anthropomorphise of the Creatore of the Universe. Because they see God The Purported Creatore in their Image.
edit on 4-6-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by St Udio

I appreciate everyones input including yours i am agnostic and do not confide in any Religions but was raised a Christian so it helps me to understand the contradictions in the religion.

You look up at the stars and wonder of all the planets there and its impossible for me to confide in any fallacious religion of this Earth that Humans deem the God Created Earth and the Universe for Humans. Like many Pagan Religions Assert.

Thats a delusional assertion for people to make, especially with the recent advances in the last century.

Thank you St Udio for your input!!! I agree! with you

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