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Casey Anthony trial to begin with opening statements today

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I so much agree with you about Nancy Grace. What happened to innocent until proven guilty, Nancy Grace????

I really think Nancy Grace does a great injustice to our judicial system. And she has to know what she's doing. Money Money Money!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 26-5-2011 by crappiekat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Cindy Anthony Testifies Tuesday

(CNN) -- The grandmother of Caylee Anthony put her head down on the witness stand and sobbed Tuesday as recordings of her frantic 911 call to police were played in her daughter's capital murder trial -- a call made after she discovered her granddaughter had been missing for a month.

Earlier Tuesday, Cindy Anthony testified that she asked her daughter daily for weeks about Caylee's whereabouts, and Casey Anthony gave her reason after reason why Caylee was unavailable. Cindy Anthony said Tuesday she asked repeatedly to speak to Caylee by telephone. "I missed hearing her little voice," she testified.

She said in testimony Saturday and Tuesday that when she asked about her granddaughter, Casey Anthony always had a reason why the girl wasn't available, including work meetings, a car accident and sudden plans to hang out at a hotel with a wealthy suitor who Cindy Anthony said she had long heard about but never met. "There was always a reason I missed her," Cindy Anthony said

Cindy Anthony testified her daughter was not answering her phone after the car was picked up July 15, so she contacted one of Casey Anthony's friends, Amy Huizenga. She picked Huizenga up at a mall and told her to take her to her daughter. She was directed to Lazzaro's apartment.

Full article here

After reading over the all the information about this case and now reading what her defense said I have no doubt that the girl is guilty as hell. For a while I was in the middle. I didn't know enough about the case to formulate an opinion. But I read though all the information about this posted on ats and from all the lies she continually told people I can not believe a word that comes out of her mouth. I hope she gets what she deserves for taking that poor child from this world for her own selfish reasons.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by crappiekat
Like others who have been keeping track of this story, I had heard that the defense was possibly going to claim sexual abuse by both father and brother. There was also talk that they would say there was some kind of accident. But I tell ya when I actually heard the words come out of JB's mouth I was shocked.
It does make some sense. But now the defense has to prove it.

The defense doesn't have to prove anything. All they have to do is instill reasonable doubt in the mind of some of the jurors. Remember that Johnny Cochran didn't prove OJ didn't do it, he merely put just enough doubt in the jurors minds to find him, "not guilty".

Also keep in mind that Baez was part of the jury picking process. All he needs is one juror that believes him.
edit on 5/31/2011 by Sparky63 because: added comment

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by crappiekat

Nancy grace is a harpy. If evil exists it has found a home in this vile woman's heart....In case you haven't figured it out, she is not my favorite person.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Avyuir
reply to post by JacKatMtn

I've followed this case from day 1. Poor kiddo, it's not her fault her mother was a selfish monster.

Don't you mean from day 31?

I followed the evidence personally, (sunshine law in fl), watched and listened to casey, and watched the family suffer. You dont sit in jail for 3 years and nevet say it was an accident if it was.

This girl has ruined so many lives. Her mothrr had to be helped off the stand, after testifying because she was an emotional mess. Casey just sat there with that smug look on her face. she could care less that her family is being dragged through the mud.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:40 AM
Ive watched the trial daily live since day 1.

There are so many twists and turns in this case it really is bizzare. Who is lying, the mom, the dad, Casey, the brother? I mean, obviously Casey lied- and alot- but why? If she was abused, which I sense she was, Did she suffer from Disossiative Identity Disorder? If so- why doesent the defense use that? I mean, people arnt born malicious. They are created that way. And if she was, it was by her father. Abuse In the right circumstance it can really mess somebody up. Thats why serial killers and rapists and pedophiles do what they do. People are a result of their environment.

In the end- I feel that the Dad had some involvement. As an ex- police detective he knew exactly what was up. He is hiding, more than he is admitting too. Personally, I think the paternity issue might even be questionable between George and Casey. Was she raped by her father? Was her mother in denial? Why be in denial about the pregnancy for so long? She seemed to be trapped in an abusive family home, like battered woman syndrome. Her only way out was to get rid of Caylee that she perceived as her baggage. She was mentally ill. NO matter what. You'd have to be to kill your own child. I cant see how they or why they wont use that defense in this trial.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:42 AM
I don't understand why media should be allowed to report on any criminal case until after a fair trial. When you got media tainting the national jury pool, either for or against someone, how is a fair trial even possible? I don't think it is possible, and it makes a mockery of our supposed justice system. Cases done in public, are only for people to grandstand, while people's freedom and life is on the line....

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:21 AM
That is horrible. Why would they still convict you even after the victim announced you were not involved in any way? I honestly do not understand. My mom told me of a man who was in prison for nearly 20 years for a murder he did not commit. For one, he did not know or ever met the person murdered. The guy who actually commited the crime, told police that he helped him with the murder. At one point during trial, the real guilty man finally admitted he had no part in the murder. But he was still found guilty. 20 or so years later: "Oh. He was telling the truth when he said this man wasn't involved. Oops." (This coming after an appeal hearing, of course. But it took almost 20 years before anyone started to actually pay attention and listen to him!)

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:04 AM
I dont believe George is being truthful. If he was so certain he smelled a dead body, knows exactly what that smell is, says he stood by the trunk praying to God that it would not contain one or both their corpses when his daughter and gradaughter are missing. Yet he does not call police to report this, but reports stolen gas cans. He lets the bag of garbage get tossed. I noted him saying in the same testimony, minutes apart, that at first he got in the smelly car and opened the windows a bit, then said he opened them wide, but only when he was asked if he opened them wide, he changes it to wide. He gets away with answering the same question with two answers in a court.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:10 AM
This is such a HUGE case because
of ALL the people, resources, all the work involved.
There was 200-300 volunteers searching for Kale.
The police officers needed more help to search the areas..
Happened in Orlando fl. About 45 min. from me.
Local radio was asking people to volunteer in the search group.
Radio, TV, Newspapers, all plastered the picture of the missing child.
(Like putting a missing kid on a milk carton basically.)

Nance Grace was on this because at first it was a
missing child case. They were looking for an abducted child.
Casey said some Nanny took her and ran away.
Nance Grace has her shtick and it is

Jose Baez defense for Casey now is to save her from
the death penalty.

She was/is responsible for Kale.
Kale was missing for over a month, and she don't tell anyone?
You don't look for your kid ?
She went and partied like a rock star while her child missing!!


Parents have murdered their children before,
it is not as uncommon as you would think.
A recent one:
Army officer's wife shoots her 2 'mouthy' teens
Police say woman admits slayings; husband on duty in Qatar notified
no missing child and mass of people looking for them.

Casey will be lucky if she gets life in prison w/o parole.
Where she will be using red M'M's for lipstick, rot, and die.

There are some questionable things, stuff that doesn't make sense.
Thats why I think she should not get the death penalty.
( Case told her parents at some point the truth
and they are playing a he said she said bull # game
so their daughter does not get the chair.
That is what is up with George and Cindy.
George was a cop he knows the system.
They love their daughter still they lost their grandchild.
George payed thousands for her defense until the state picked it up)

I'm very glad OP started this thread.
I will be following this case and posting more updates.
S AND F!!!!

edit on 1-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:24 AM
Don't forget that George attempted suicide in 2009. Noone talks about it now.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:38 AM
I just came across something very intriguing.

Why Casey Anthony Chose Zenaida Gonzales

The body was found in the middle of a wooded area that is adjacent to two houses on December 11th. The resident at 4709 Hopespring Drive, Orlando, Florida has the first name of Zenaida, while the resident at 4701 Hopespring Drive has Gonzales as their last name.

So did she leave clues?
She kept saying Zenaida Gonzales had her
edit on 1-6-2011 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:56 AM
If Casey gets life in prison she will get all the sex and drugs she wants.
She will get her 3 square meals a day, free health care, Cable & Internet access. Not to mention the opportunity to appeal the verdict for years to come.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I have a weird theory that Casey Anthony has MPD - maybe self inflicted.
Pathological lying - could it actually be dangerous to the unity of the self?
This level of disassociation she has to have - something's not right here. Something's being missed.

I had not really thought this until recently myself.
I'm not defending her.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
If Casey gets life in prison she will get all the sex and drugs she wants.
She will get her 3 square meals a day, free health care, Cable & Internet access. Not to mention the opportunity to appeal the verdict for years to come.

Yes prison looks very good compared to the death penalty..

Having to die in prison, is easier said then having to do it..

Have you ever been in jail?
For even a day or two?

Three square crap loads you get to eat..
The food is good compared to being dead and not eating earthly food.. That is all

Internet access IF the prison has it.. Florida prisons are harsh..
You get maybe 3 hours a week on it total.
Get the flu or a cold, or a bad chest congestion, see how
that free medical is...
Or when they stick you in a medical partition
with people that have MERSA, AIDS, HEP.
thats when you really get sick..
You can appeal the death penalty
for 30 years no different on death row..
How is she going to get all the sex and drugs she wants?
A guard here and there, or she turns lesbian.
Florida prison have no Conjugal visit..
She might get some drugs, but they are very expensive..
The women prisons do not have the supply of drugs as the gang laden males system..
Not to mention, this is if she is in a general pop.
She might get a lady that beats her ass everyday.
She could get confinement.

So just 50 years to go... Easier said than done.

Like I said the only reason I do not think she should get the death penalty
is the lack of pure DNA evidence. I don't believe George and think after
Case killed her kid, they helped her cover it up.

Personally, I would say my peace with the Lord, and rather
have the death penalty.
If I did kill an innocent child I deserve to die for taking that life...
I think the other side will greet you nicer for taking responsibility.
edit on 1-6-2011 by hillynilly because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

I have had some experience with the penal system. Fortunately not behind bars. For the past 15 years I have worked with inmates on a weekly basis. I also have 2 uncles and an aunt who were prison guards in Illinois.

I agree with most of the what you said, in that prison life is no picnic. But I can assure that there are plenty of drugs to go around even in women's prison. You name it, they can get it, usually from the guards.

The sex i was referring to in Casey's case was as you stated, plenty of lesbian sex.But from what I gather about Casey, she was not averse to crossing the line every now and then. Sex with male guards is also a lot more common that most people realize. Casey is not going to be hard up, I guarantee.

People adjust to whatever circumstances they find themselves in.
My point was that if she is found guilty she deserves death instead of life on the taxpayers dime.

edit on 6/1/2011 by Sparky63 because: added comment

edit on 6/1/2011 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63
reply to post by hillynilly

I have had some experience with the penal system. Fortunately not behind bars. For the past 15 years I have worked with inmates on a weekly basis. I also have 2 uncles and an aunt who were prison guards in Illinois.

I agree with most of the what you said, in that prison life is no picnic. But I can assure that there are plenty of drugs to go around even in women's prison. You name it, they can get it, usually from the guards.

The sex i was referring to in Casey's case was as you stated, plenty of lesbian sex.But from what I gather about Casey, she was not averse to crossing the line every now and then. Sex with male guards is also a lot more common that most people realize. Casey is not going to be hard up, I guarantee.

People adjust to whatever circumstances they find themselves in.
My point was that if she is found guilty she deserves death instead of life on the taxpayers dime.

edit on 6/1/2011 by Sparky63 because: added comment

edit on 6/1/2011 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

You do have a point, you WOULD adjust yourself to be in prison and learn to LIVE with it..
Still to have any REAL peace in your life in prison will be non-existent..
I also would like to point out according to this.

It is actually cheaper to keep a person in prison w/o parole then it is
to execute them..

Then some sources say the opposite..
I do not know for sure, but from reading the study done
on California's death row vs. life in prison
it is cheaper to keep them for life w/o parole..

That is just California though.

I am sure almost every state is a bit different and could be more efficient
with the money they got...

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by hillynilly
It is actually cheaper to keep a person in prison w/o parole then it is
to execute them..

I believe you are correct that it is currently cheaper in the long run to give them a life sentence rather than to execute them, but that is only because the current system is so flawed that it allows for endless appeals. If the death sentence was carried out within 2 or 3 years of the judgement it would drastically cut the costs and result in speedy justice being carried out. There is no reason that the appeal process needs to last decades.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Sparky63

Originally posted by hillynilly
It is actually cheaper to keep a person in prison w/o parole then it is
to execute them..

I believe you are correct that it is currently cheaper in the long run to give them a life sentence rather than to execute them, but that is only because the current system is so flawed that it allows for endless appeals. If the death sentence was carried out within 2 or 3 years of the judgement it would drastically cut the costs and result in speedy justice being carried out. There is no reason that the appeal process needs to last decades.

That is why I believe there should either be
A. Physical witnesses to the crime
B. DNA evidence
for the death penalty..

DNA has come a long way in just the past decade.
I support the death penalty but not putting them to death
only on circumstantial evidence...

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Sparky63

But.....she will have to be kept in protective custody, because in general population, she's branded as a baby killer AKA "dead woman walking".... if she gets out of this, it will be worse than prison, because so many people hate her... she will have to be looking over her shoulder all the time. There are some people who would look to hurt her or maybe worse. Some are so fanatical, they are fist fighting in line just to get a seat in the courtroom. She's doomed no matter what....
edit on 6/17/2011 by StealthyKat because: sp

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