posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Almost everyone contributing to this thread feels prohibition is the direct cause of the prison over-crowding. It would make too much sense to ammend
or repeal those laws and find another means of dealing with drug abuse "problems". We also know most of these "problems" are a direct result of
prohibition as prohibition keeps those drug prices artificially inflated which fosters the crime, violence, and corruption - the biggest of the drug
"problems." Without prohibition the value of these drugs would be economically negligible, no one would need to rob or steal to purchase drugs, and
there would be no illicit cut-throat business associated with drug sales.
It is the economic factor that keeps prohibition laws in place. It is the dealers and law enforcement that benefit from prohibition, they are the ones
who wish to keep it in place, and the remaining citizens that favor it have been hook, line, and sinkered into believing prohibition will eventually
eliminate or greatly reduce those problems, those problems that it causes.
There is a viscious circle of economics that keeps it all spinning. Logic would dictate that concessions should be made and the people should be given
their most popular and benign illegal drug in this equation - cannabis/marijuana. Doing so would make the rest of the "Drug War" manageable and
possibly winable. Doing so would bring an end to the drug economy. There is too much to lose to allow that to happen.
I would end prohibition, especially pot prohibition, today if I could. And if I could do that today I would probably be assassinated tomorrow.
edit on 24-5-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)