posted on May, 23 2011 @ 07:11 AM
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This hypothesis requires further analysis, however I feel it's good idea to bring it up.
The many-worlds interpretation is a postulate of quantum mechanics that asserts the objective reality of the universal wavefunction, but denies the
actuality of wavefunction collapse, which implies that all possible alternative histories and futures are real—each representing an actual "world"
(or "universe"). It is also referred to as MWI, the relative state formulation, the Everett interpretation, the theory of the universal
wavefunction, many-universes interpretation, or just many worlds.
Now there are many implications of this theory, assuming it's real. Let's also assume that time travel is possible.
Assuming the time travel is possible and everett model is true it brings frightening implications on the real world. As there are infinite
possibilities of universes it means that in some of them world looks entirely different. If time travel is possible it means that affecting time line
does not have any consequences except changing "current" timeline. However it would be subjective, what current time-line is, so in essence time
traveling would mean traveling between possible alternative time-lines and switching the course of one of them. Everett model implicates that every
moment new timeline is born.
Can't explain too well:
However time travel would be limited to certain moment, creation of universe, is some sort of reset of this forever branching tree. Now as there is
infinite number of universes there is bound to be a universe, where civilization mastered time travel. Time travel would allow this civilization to
travel freely through time, and as you travel through time everything else becomes irrelevant. This civilization could harness resourses of
alternative timelines. Stellar distances wouldn't matter as you could travel in normal speed and then just go back in time to the time you wanted to
be at certain place and time. Everett model makes all moral problems solved as it does not matter if you kill someone as his bound to be alive in
other timeline. This can be applied to other civilizations. Imagine if aliens are this timeless civilization and implications of this on "our" life.
For them it does not matter what happens to us, but for us....
I'm just trying to say, what if, Aliens are timeless civilizations in some alternative time-lines. Suddenly it all makes sense I mean, assuming
aliens abduct and torture people, for them it does not matter as there is bound to be timeline, where this person never net aliens. Traveling vast
distances in space becomes possible, and killing civilization does not matter as there is bound to be universe, where this civilization survives.
However, destruction is always real for that time-line. Meaning that if you die here you are dead, but alternative you is not. Imagine ifwe met these
aliens......get the picture....?