Originally posted by paxnatus
You are acting like an arrogant ass!
As opposed to being an uninformed, ignorant prig... Ill take the arrogant ass title any day of the week.
Originally posted by paxnatus
Are you the only one who has the line on truth.
You are speaking as if you are the sole authority! Well you are not, other people have first hand knowledge
as well. I think you owe them at least some respect.
No problem... By the way, respect is earned, not just granted. I started "acting like an arrogant ass" when people decided to acuse me of lieing and
not being present down here. I have no issue with people relaying information that they are privy to. however, when the info is supposition or based
on incomplete information, as with the case of the morgues as well as FEMA, not to mention the questioniong in whether suppluies are being delivered
to people, or how people are suggesting FEMA is present in an effort to kill survivors.
I live in Joplin, ive assisted with stuff across the board and have seen first hand whats going on. A nurse who is pissed because she cant get
information on a vitim, is either NOT a nurse or is running on pure emotion and ignoring common sense. If that offends you, I really dont care right
now. I am tired of being nice while people make comments that are just plain wrong / a lie. The simple fact she is a nurse does not automatically
grant her any more access to information than a law enforcement officer seeking it.
Both professions have their respective laws that will get them the info based on respective criteria. In this case, she did not meet it. Why exactly
is that such an evil thing to point out?
A nurse is trained with HIPAA, as well as state law for reporting of deaths, in addition to knowing the law because they are a mandated reporter.
Getting pissed because, as a nurse and extended family member, they cant get information about a loved one is soley in the realm of emotional issues,
and understandably so. However, it does not trump the fact that there are laws in place, and for good reason.
Originally posted by paxnatus
As far as your tacky remarks about "the nurse". I am also a nurse, and your asinine remarks about
Hippa along with your links was a slap in the face to all of us. So because your a law officer you are more
valuable to society in the face of a disaster than nurses! I don't think so pal! Without nurses do you
know how many more would have died.
Care check aisle 2. I have had my fair share of dealing with nurses, and you guys can get just as arrogant and assinie as I can. You are the one who
is making asumptions about worth in a disaster, not me. So please, whatever personal problem you are having, leave it out of this thread, since I
never said anything of the sorts. At no point have I EVER questioned the job a nurse does.
As iwth other people in this thread, you seem to hear only what you want, which seems to be typical with people liek yourself. Offended by everything
because you dont understand something someone else says. Instead of asking for clairification, you opt to make an ass out of yourself.
Please, all great and might oracle of nurses, show me where I ahve stated nurses did not do their jobs in this disaster. Please point out where I said
they arent needed, dont know what they are doing etc etc etc.
What I said, and I will repeat it here because apprently you cant comprehend is -
As a nurse she should know better than to get upset when she is denied information from an agency that deals with medical issues. A death clearly
falls under that, and I have pointed out the basic laws that govern issues so people can be more informed when trying to get more info.
Instead, you assume something completely untrue - Speaking of arrogant ass...
Originally posted by paxnatus
As far as All hail Fema! Bull Sh!t! Yeah, they've done such a bang up job! What was the reason Clouds friend was denied? Oh that's right a Fema
agency worker filled out her paper work wrong, and it was her fault!
And this falls into the realm of FEMA being evil and corrupt how? Again, keep up with the conversation with regards to FEMA would you please. We all
make mistakes, nurses included. Dont beleive me, see your incorrect assumptions above.
Originally posted by paxnatus
Fema's got nothing to show for their good works. Take a look at their record.
Katrina, Joplin, and wow! They did so much for the people sickened in the Gulf! Where is Fema now?
Yes by all means lets drag something up from 6 years ago. I see your knowledge of how FEMa works is just as extensive as burntheships. If you spent
more time learning and less time being ignorant and being offneded by stuff I never said, you might not look so rediculous.
Go back and look at how FEMA works (apparently you have no idea either). The Govenor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans were in charge, NOT
FEMA NOR the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. The failures during Katrina fall on the shoulders of the local government and their inability to lead. I can provide
you with the information on that if you wish to learn. If ytou dont, let me know and I wont waste my time getting you proper information.
As far as Joplin goes, FEMA is on the ground, they have a support center open, and are writing checks to people on good faith. The people who take the
money will have to show cause later that they really did qualify for it.
Everything I have stated about FEMA, and again if you actually took the time to read and comprehend my posts instead of just jumping on the ignorant
group bandwagon, you would see it has been to explain FEMAs responsibility in this area. Btw clouds person was not denied by FEMA for the search and
rescue, since FEMA has nothing to do with that at all. Again, facts are a wonderul thing when coupled with common sense and knowledge on the
Originally posted by paxnatus
Being led around by the nose by the Feds and Obama whom couldn't find his way out of a wet paper bag!
I didnt vote for Obama, so dont blame me for him being elected.
Originally posted by paxnatus
Why the attacks on Burntheships? Did she strike a nerve? Hit too close for comfort?
No.. she made allegations against FEMA without really knowing what it is they do or how they operate. She made these claims while offering no
supporting documentation, while on other claims she conviently left out information from her own sources that underminded her position. She purposely
ommitted information in an effort to twist the facts to her view point.
She has yet, either in this thread or the other thread about FEMA, to provide her supporting information about FEMA.
Excuse me for pointing that out and calling her out on the fact she has no idea what she is talking about. Again, if you would keep up with the
conversation instead of jumping in at the end you might actually understand my position towards burntheships and understand my argument towarsd her
posts. As far as hitting a nerve or getting to close to home comment, I have no idea what that even means. I dont work for FEMA, so I am not sure how
you are even linking that together with me.
I see though my comments about one nurse dealing specifically with HIPAA and not getting her way when she should know better struck a nerve with you.
Any particular reason why? Also, any particular reason why you would lie by claiming I said something I didnt towards nurses? I said a few pages back
that medical services perfomred awesomely.
Originally posted by paxnatus
Please enlightened us to what Fema has done in Joplin?
Which has laready been done.. Maybe you should go back and read the posts before jumping in... I say this, again and again, because your post and
comments show you have not read any of the posts. Or at the very least you have ignored the ones that dont support your logiic or view points.
Hint - read all the posts, even ones you dont agree with, before opening your mouth. Just as you said about me, being a nurse donest make you the all
knowing expert on FEMA or emergency disaster. Being FEMa has nothing do to with emergency medical services, please enlighten us on how FEMA has
failed in Joplin?
FEMA response to Joplin -
FEMA Response in Joplin
and again, if either you or burntheships knew and understood how FEMA operates, you would already know your question is baseless. FEMA is NOT a lead
agency, it is a support agency. FEMA is contacted by the State an d told what resources are going to be needed, and FEMA coordinates to get those
resources to the area. At that point it is LOCAL and STATE governments who are responsible for how those items reach those who need it.
To put it in medical terms it would be like getting pissed because the agency that delivers extra blood for use in hospitals only took it to blood gas
/ transfusion services, and as a result the patient died.
They are only responsible for delviering the blood. Its up to the medical professionals present to know where the blood needs to go once delviered.
My "arrogant" responses and comments aside, next time if you have an issue wiht something I have said, please make sure you ahve it in proper context
before making accusations against me. I worked in a level 1 trauma facility for 6 years before law enforcement, and have the utmost respect for
medical personell, from doctor down to patient advocates and techs.
It would behoove you to read ALL post so as not to look like an ass yourself.
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edit on 4-6-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)
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