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Rapture Ruptured: You Can Stop Your Threads Now...

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Is anyone else getting tired of reading new threads about 'how the date was wrong' and 'but wait, there's a new date'?

Each is just another false prophet with another false prophecy. Believe it or not, there actually are people out there that are more than willing and able to prey upon the beliefs and fears of the gullible. And this particular party line is being dragged out for all that it can provide for their entertainment value.

99.9% of the prophecies and predictions that are tossed around in general public and on this forum are nothing more than the over-blown opinion of someone somewhere with high anxiety, too much self-importance, and WAY too much time on his/her hands. The Rapture is just another one.

Please don't drag this one out any further as it has obviously become a Rupture.


Place your faith and fate where you want, but use your head.
edit on 5/22/2011 by billybobh3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by billybobh3

Aldough I agree with you, this is a rant not a prediction

I'm getting sick of the 21st threads to, some people have the incredible urge to go " I told you so!".


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by OnlyLove
reply to post by billybobh3

Aldough I agree with you, this is a rant not a prediction

I'm getting sick of the 21st threads to, some people have the incredible urge to go " I told you so!".


This thread could go either way, as it is a discussion about a previously posted (and popular) prediction.

It can also be categorized as a rant, but I didn't want to cross-post.


edit on 5/22/2011 by billybobh3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Yet another rapture thread. LOL. but yea i agree im glad we are done with all this rapture bull #. Until the next date anyways.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:41 PM
I for one , as a serious researcher, am sick and tired of prophetic threads. They appeal only to the gullible and the attention seekers.
I truly hope that ATS will frown upon this kind of topic in future .


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:46 PM
Yes I am tired of constantly seeing threads on the same topic constantly taking up space. The only reason I even clicked on this one is because you have done exactly what you are complaining about. Let it go, don't add to it like you are. YOU are part of the problem. IMO.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by billybobh3

u stop ur thread first

el oh el


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:59 PM
It is getting old indeed... and honestly I feel bad for the people who were taken in by the prediction, a lot of gullible people gave up everything they owned and were waiting for this event to happen.. there's a lot of devastated individuals out there now who's faith has been absolutely rattled to the core

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Sorry if my attempt at an 'end thread' offended you. Apparently, I'm just not as good as being offensive as you can be.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Dont you get it?

This is just the test-rapture, before the real rapture!

And we all know when that is! ;-)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by billybobh3
reply to post by Agarta

Sorry if my attempt at an 'end thread' offended you. Apparently, I'm just not as good as being offensive as you can be.

I apologize if I came across as offensive it was not my intention. I only meant to state that I see your thread as a continuation rather than a stop of the threads of the predictions.

Honestly I agree with you but starting a thread to tell people to stop threads on the same subject is counter productive. IMO.

Edit to say: Maybe a thread stating that this is just an example of tptb desensitizing the people for when/if it does happen and how we can fight it from happening would be better. IMO.
edit on 22-5-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Yes! A May 21'st thread to stop the May 21'st threads! And after May 21'st no less! Absolutely brilliant!

You not only have the facts on your side, but recent history as well! Well done dude!! Go get 'em!!!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:14 PM
Just very saddened by the whole thing. The lives that changed .....and bad vibe given to Christianity. Although, I am not a religious person, I am spiritual. However, I need to believe in something. It's an innate thing. Some of you won't understand.

False prophecies and hope are evil beyond belief.

We are human. Barely able to understand the nature of the universe in totality.

Camping needs to go camping. Crawl under a rock and pray for forgiveness for his egregious crimes. I feel sorry for the folks that were bought and sold by this huckster.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I think all the threads can be sum'd up like this......

Another ATS "prediction/prophecy"...........

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