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Tell us your close calls with danger

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 10:30 AM
#1) I was at a party and two of the guys there suddenly pulled out guns and started waiving them around and making threats. There was one guy by the balcony (2nd story) who waved me over and helped me over the balcony onto the wall and I jumped down and fled running across the street. My friend and another guy didn't quite exit as fast, so while I was across the street already, I heard yelling. Turned around and the drunk guys were telling them to stop and pointing the gun at them. All I could do was keep my distance until the cops arrived.

#2) I was at a frat house and two frat boys pulled a gun on me in an attempt to rape me. It failed. I started yelling at them that I didn't care if they had a gun I wasn't going to do anything they were demanding. They'd step forward with the gun and I'd yell "Step back. Don't come any closer." I argued with them for what seemed like 20 minutes, telling them to put the gun away. I wasn't going to do anything they demanded and I told them "I don't care if you've got a gun, I'm not going to let you rape me". Finally they gave up and I fled out the door. Jumped into my car, went to the nearest pay phone. Called the cops. Within an hour, the cops surrounded the place. They woke up a judge on a Sunday morning to get a Search Warrant. Apparently the two frat boys were already under investigation for illegal weapons sales. Cops opened up a trunk of their car to have me identify the gun that was pulled on me-- and there was at least 30 different guns. Problem was--I wasn't sure. All 30 guns were pulled out of the frat house (Like I said--they apparently were already under investigation for illegal arms sales.)

#3) Not even a month after that, I was up in Oceanside and some Mexican guy pulled a knife on me and tried to shove me up against the wall. Blocked the knife from going to my neck with my hand. Then pulled the blade down and, by the blade, pulled the knife out of his hand. Guy was apparently just parolled from jail. The last time he was parolled, he held a woman hostage during a week stand-off and repeatedly raped her. I asked the cops, "Why on earth did you release this guy in the first place?" Cause all he did once parolled was try it again. Apparently they have no control over who gets parolled. All I ended up with was a small cut on the palm of my hand from pulling the knife out of his hand by the blade.

#4) Oddly, there was this other Mexican guy one time, that came at me with a knife in one hand and a syringe full of an unknown substance in the other hand. I made him drop the knife and syringe and fled.
edit on 18-6-2011 by MapMistress because: punctuation error, and word error

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 11:00 AM
I've had two close calls with almost being kinapped as a kid. (Oh and all of my dangerous experiences happened in San Diego). The first time I was about 8 or 9. I was walking home from a park and it was getting dark out. My older brother and his friends were behind me quite a bit away. This dark maroon coloured car suddenly pulled over right next to me. It had very dark tinted windows. I stopped and looked at the car with my gut telling me something was wrong about this. The passenger door began to open. Next thing I know, my brother and his friends (which were all MUCH older than me) surrounded me and the car speed off. Seriously, who askes an 8 or 9 year old for directions in a huge city like San Deigo. I wouldn't. And why did they speed off once my brother and his friends reached me? Another time I was walking home from the same park. Around the same age and this time I was alone and it was mid-day. A man approched me and said "Do you want $5?" I told him no while eyeing him. (To be continued.)

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 11:11 AM
(Using my mobile. Only have so much room to type.) He then asked if I would like some candy. I know, very cliche. But the man was giving off some bad vibes. I again told him no pretty forcefully and walked off. Now, the SCARIEST and most dangerous thing that happened (Well, if he had actually got me. You'll see.) I was again 8 or 9. In San Deigo. I had a friend sleeping over and we were playing with our Barbies in the living room. It was pretty late. Around 1 AM. The dining room and living room are pretty much one room. The dining room had huge windows from cieling to floor and the blinds were up. I suddenly felt like we were being watched. I turned to look out the dining room windows and found myself staring right at a man that was pressed against the glass, hands cupped on each side of his face, watching us. I remember what he looked like in detail. (This was 20 years ago). He was a white man. I could tell cuz he was wearing a short sleeved blue tshirt that had a front pocket. (To be continued.)

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 11:18 AM
He wore a black ski looking mask and black leather gloves. I also remember from what I could see of his bare arms, they were pretty hairy. I yelped, which brought this man to my friends attention. We curled up in balls, crying. I told her that on the count of 3 we were gonna run upstairs and get my dad. We counted and on 2 I was off. My friend was right behind me. We woke my dad and he ran outside, but never found the guy. He was gone. Thank god. Years later I am recounting this with my mom (parents were divorced.) and she said that at that time and around that part of San Deigo there was a serial rapist on the loose. She lived near by and remembers hearing about the attacks. Since I was a kid, I was not interested in watching the news or reading the newspaper, so I wouldn't have known. When she told me that it could have poaaibly been that serial rapist, I shuddered. Being raped is my worst nightmare. To this day I can not have my blinds or curtains up at night. Not even a crack.

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posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 11:43 AM
Reply to post by MavisCruet

Me too. I always trust my gut when I get those bad vibes. I don't care if I end up looking or sounding crazy either. I'd rather be thought of as a nut then be hurt or killed by some maniac. I've had people get pissed at me too because I would refuse to go somewhere with them when I'd get those bad vibes. Be mad at me. I don't care.

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