posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:31 PM
I'm sorry, but I've had about enough of the world ending predictions. There are some great topics on this site, and while I don't agree with all
of them, they can make you think at least.
But, the world will be here in October, there is no planet x coming to wipe us out, 2012 is just another year, so is 2016, 2036, etc.
Will a comet or something strike the earth again someday, yes. Odds are something out there will hit us again. Is the human race capable of
destroying ourselves? Yes. Hopefully, that won't happen.
If nothing else, if someone says "if you give me some money, I'll tell you when the world will end", give them the "you're number one" finger
gesture, and go about your day.
Sorry folks, had to rant and get this off my chest.