Judgement Day has just been postponed, until further notice, following the rising cost of fuel to burn sinners and high food prices to feed people in
Heaven. Now stop worrying
I love days like today. Because you know there are people who will just be watching the clock all day long hoping until the day is gone in all
possible time zones that they were right.
Tomorrow is a fun day too, when they slink around pretending they didnt buy into the whole thing, OR immediately start their new Rapture countdown
because they figured out what was wrong with yesterdays calculation.
It hasn't been postponed. Its just tedious work. You ever tried finding on unopened peanut in a bowl of shells? That's Jesus trying to find
Rapture worthy people. Gets a liiittle frustrating. The Rapture Cometh....
Sorry, the argument doesnt float logically. God is omniscient, so therefore he doesnt have to find anyone. He already knows exactly who and exactly
where they are.