posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:31 AM
What is amazing is that reality NEVER follows the fantasies of people. It goes on and does what is intends according to its own laws, not the desires
of humans.
This is a good lesson to religious people that the concept of God in its best sense has to do with reality as it is, not as the fantasies of the
faithful portend or desire.
Few will garnish any lesson from this folly though, since humans who are inclined to the fancies of clerical dogma and the dominating dark spirit of
charismatic leaders—and outright charlatans—will always be subject to being dupes because they refuse to trust in their own intellect.
That is so in religion, particularly, because religion has degenerated into a huge cult of faith; that has very little to do with any search for
truth. Indeed, modern religion is characterized by a bottomless ignorance that is based on the darkness of clerical dogma, not the light of liberating
Whether it is the violent and abominable madmen of Islamic extremism and their certainty, or the foul odorous pretenders running around claiming to be
“God’s chosen people,” or the hucksters of the Church in their crazy predictions, these exemplars of modern religion are it’s own worst
To those sober and reasonable among the faithful, I separate you from these and hope you can uplift your faith despite those amongst you who do damage
to it and ruin it for the many. To them, those sincere believers, I would advise humbly that true faith is not the end in the search for truth, but
the beginning.