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The Extent of Human Greed. >:-(

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:11 PM
The systems that we so blindly trust are cheating us and turning us against each other and blinding us from reality.

They are corrupt. They are corrupt with greed. We are all subject to greed so we accept it as being acceptable. Everyone is chasing the almighty dollar. The thing is, the government owns the almighty dollar, and for them to remain in power, they keep the system the way it is.

If things aren't profitable, they don't exist. I wish I could show you how greatly this limits human creativity and well-being. You would be surprised how much money is corrupting everything and ruining our world and turning us against each other.

I'll give you an example. Imagine when you're driving down the road, you're going by all types of businesses. You see very pretty trees and flowers on display. Well these things were intentionally planted there to appeal to the average consumer so that they will come shop at their business. Well what if instead of a bunch of grass and a few trees, bushes, and flowers positioned up against the building, there were gardens covering their land growing food that people could just walk right up to and pick to eat? This, of course, would never happen because it is not a wise "business" decision, and it doesn't make profit for the business.

This is just one of many examples of how money has corrupted the world.

We act like our economic system is as good as it could be, but the truth is, its old. It's not working anymore, and it only really serves the top 1%. I'm referring to the American Capitalist economy. I'm not going to use any labels on a new economic system and call it something "crazy" like socialism or anything, but I firmly believe that everything should and could be free, including our freedom itself.

All we have to do is realize that we have a responsibility. It's time to grow up people, stop waiting around for someone to come save you because that kind of thought breeds irresponsibility.

We're going to have to work the rest of our life whether we like it or not, so just accept your responsibility so you can have the power to overthrow the corrupt and self-serving system.

Everything could be free.

All you have to do is accept your responsibility to go to work. Work is fun and fulfilling and good for you. It's like that for a reason. The reason is, our creator intended for us to work. Look at ants or bees or wasps or dirt dobbers or any one of millions of animals. They all work constantly. Work is reality now accept it and get to work. Don't work for money, work for progress. Progress is good. We all want to see progress, but we sit at home losing ourselves to unfulfilling televisions and video games. Nothing gets done and the world gets shut out. This is irresponsible.

Once you accept your responsibility to go to work, a new system can be set up that allows you to choose a profession or two and a degree or two, go to work, produce goods and give them out for free.

Greed is an illusion created by the ego. We get more money than other people so that we can think we're better than them. How could the illusion of greed persist if everything was free? It couldn't. No one would be able to think they are better than anyone else because of the amount of nice things they have. In fact, success would not be measured by material things any longer after everything becomes free. Success would be measured by what you create for other people. The house you built someone, or the computer you assembled to allow internet access, or the power line you installed to power houses. No one would take more than they needed, because for one, the idea of reselling would not exist, and for two, having more things than someone else would not be a measure of success.

This is how to eradicate greed and birth a revolution of valuing service over the dollar.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:16 PM
if this was a world where everyone gave instead of taking, no one would have need or shortage of anything.

we need a global reeducation of what it means to be human.

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by AnotherYOU
if this was a world where everyone gave instead of taking, no one would have need or shortage of anything.

we need a global reeducation of what it means to be human.

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Amen brother. A class in elementary or middle school called, "human essentials" or "human nature" or something.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:26 PM
Reply to post by smithjustinb

good point, i think alot of it has to do with our education systems, or lack of it one could say.

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by AnotherYOU

Unfortunately, our education systems are owned by the government who wants to perpetuate the illusion of lack among other illusions. It's all for their benefit. They want to have power and control.
edit on 20-5-2011 by smithjustinb because: aweofip;oa

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:33 PM
If you want to get rid of greed, just get rid of humans.

Problem solved

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
If you want to get rid of greed, just get rid of humans.

Problem solved

lol. maybe, but, maybe just a regime change would suffice. Plus, we have so many good things about us too, if we could just focus on the good and get rid of the bad, we could create paradise for not only humans, but other life forms as well.

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