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Mind Travellers, Channelers, Quantum Leapers, NDE'ers, Spirit Travelers describe your experiences H

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:02 AM
OK, so I started going off-topic in another post and i figured to start a separate thread to go "in-depth" into other realms... you know... the zen state, bliss, the ghostworld, an(other) dimension(s)?

many of us have had (an) experience or experiences when dealing with the unexplainable. for instance, i have been working on mastering my color imagination for decades (i KNOW that it is a portal out of the 3rd dimension) and would like to interact with others that have similar experience(s) to expand ourselves and our conciousness.

REPTILIAN MINDS SHOULD LEAVE THIS THREAD NOW. and please do not make comments that attempt to destroy the integrity of this ideology.

the western world is primarily devoid of spiritual awareness. the calculator has taken the place of the pineal gland/third eye and subjected us to believe THE LIE as "truth". through this awakening that is happening RIGHT NOW, many of us are able to now "see" that WE dont have enough information to KNOW the whole story.

we can help each other understand the path through our spiritual "retardedness". that is why this thread is being started, in a nutshell...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by egregore

First let me say, Well stated my friend and i love the title


Well where to start, one day after spending time pondering how this universe was constructed and if we could be "god like" i came to the realization that as long as we dont go out of our way to rock the boat we can tweak at the reality around us, tweak too much and it falls apart, or we annoy the neighbours.. lol
so i was in the shops and a guy was in front of me with his back my way..
i thought as a bit of fun in the vien of what i was thinking, that it would be really funny if he was actually me in the same time and place, just in a different body... (i know deep thought experiment...) and as he turned around i took a double take, his t shirt was a band name, the band was"YOU AM I "...
now i know someone was having some fun with me , just as i was having fun with them...
just one of my experiances..

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:12 AM
I've had mystical experiences that span several categories. Allow me to summarize. I've had many psychic experiences of different kinds, encountered many spiritual entities, seen UFOs up close. I've traveled outside my body, I've transcended my ego-self to become God, I've made love to the Goddess and carried her to earth, I've fallen into the infinite void under a sacred mountain. This weekend I am undergoing a spirit walk peyote sacrament.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Student X
I've had mystical experiences that span several categories. Allow me to summarize. I've had many psychic experiences of different kinds, encountered many spiritual entities, seen UFOs up close. I've traveled outside my body, I've transcended my ego-self to become God, I've made love to the Goddess and carried her to earth, I've fallen into the infinite void under a sacred mountain. This weekend I am undergoing a spirit walk peyote sacrament.

I have done many of what you say as well.
No ufos yet...
but the rest is similar , what did you do in the void? i waited to save the last lost soul..guess who that was when they finally turned up

I carved my own path up the mountain and sat in the throne, i became the demons in the firey pit, and the angels in the sky...
I travelled to the edge of the universe, and then traveled inwards to the smallest points of exsistance, the singularty..

you have ravelled many parts of the same road i have.
just not always at the same time..
but thats enough of me talking, i would love to hear some of your stories in more detail friend

edit on 20-5-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:30 AM
When I was very young, about 4 or 5 maybe, I had would I believe was an OBE. I was taken to the hospital because I had a serious asthma attack, in which my father tells me I almost died. The thing is, I was technically unconscious yet I saw myself in this "plastic tent" of sorts, and I saw my father by the bed wallowing in rage that I might die. He tells me he hit the heart monitor, and somehow I've known that already.

Another time when I was even younger... I somehow managed to get my hands on a blender (yes, a blender) and plugged it in. Well, you can imagine what happened next, but in case you can't, I put my right hand in there. I remember my grandmother screaming pretty clearly, lots of blood. and I remember a very bright white light... I didn't lose my fingers or anything either, I just have very minor scarring on a few of the fingers, nothing bad at all but a nice reminder of what happened. I start to wonder if I had a NDE at this time, but I simply don't remember more than darkness, then a bright light, then darkness again as I started to come to with bandages and what not already on my hand.

I didn't think about these things until recently, especially the asthma attack scenario. Last night actually I was thinking about it then realized "Whoa, was THAT an OBE?!" Because I saw it so clearly, like a memory, not an imagination. I don't remember a single thing before or after it either, just that little scene, standing out there, seeing myself and my father. It only lasts a few seconds to a few minutes, I'm not sure, but when I look back at that I see that from such a young age I experienced some strange things.

It was later in my life - about 10 years - that I started to feel blessed and overflowing with empathy and compassion at times. I'm learning to hone that love now. At first I didn't believe in any of this mumbo-jumbo, but then like an explosion, it all started to fit into place, and the pieces are still coming.


I'm actually looking into how to do these things and more. I remember laying in bed meditating and suddenly felt as if my body was being pulled up. Hopefully, one day, I can do some of the stuff you all can as well.

edit on 20/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:31 AM
here is my reply to another topic that ill repost here. it is very hard to get out these thoughts in word-form, so i apologize up front for rambling or confusion this may cause.

it was exhausting to get out as much as i did (and there will be plenty more to come), for i have never attempted to descibe the experience objectively...

Originally posted by egregore

Originally posted by AuranVector

I am very curious, Egregore/Ben, can you describe to me how you play with your subconscious color imagination?

Do you have to close your eyes to see the field?

Do you ever see a door? Can you tell me what shape it is?

What do you see when you enter your subconscious color imagination?

Is it a replica of this world?

i CERTAINLY MUST close my eyes. even the slightest bit of visual stimulus cancels out the inner vision. this vision is definitely affected by experiences and emotions felt within the 3D reality during the day, and/or state of conciousness (eg. anxious, stressed, happy, LOVE, etc).

in order to take myself to the bliss-state, i must completely detach myself from the 3D experience. i learned in college (from a wacky, new age professor in the mid-1990's) to breath in through the nose with the eyes closed, focus the inner thought/vision on the air entering/exiting the nostrils (mostly the intake though, and with RELAXED, deep breaths), and only focus on the breathing. if you can imagine (with eyes closed) bringing your eyes/inner vision (inside your head) to the area where the nasal cavity connects with the throat and then create a "vortex". with enough practice, i can now acheive a feeling of the 4D (tumbling within, and growing out of). this profoundly helps "cleaning the slate" of the mind...

have a look at this video: the 4d cube apologies. i am still fairly new to this forum and cannot figure out how to post vids or pics in threads...

my 4D experience is more spherical, but not entirely... like a smoke-filled clear globe creating something like the earth's energy field...


side note: this is extremely tough to explain and i thank you for inviting me to attempt to explain this, for i have NEVER thought to put it into words... TALK ABOUT A CHALLENGE?!?!?!

the bliss-state can be acheived in almost any bodily position, but i find it best to be sitting upright or laying down flat on my back. in both positions, i either interlock my fingers or touch my finger tips, having the hands centered on the chest (if touching fingertips, the thumbs touch the lower-center of my sternum). it took me years to realize that "centeredness" is an essential facet of control. please keep in mind that this was done with not much outside influence or guidance.

so, now i am completely relaxed, breathing deeply and evenly, with eyes closed... for me, it helps to be in the dark, but the color imagination can be accessed ANYWHERE and outside of the bliss-state as well. it just takes practice! i imagine that it may be different for all entities while we are in subjective/disconnected 3D... im simply trying to describe MY experience.

anyway, so with the eyes closed i can see a haze of light in the background of my inner vision/color imagination. with an aloof "focus", i can draw this light to the foreground of the blank slate. for years, i would focus on changing the color of the light blob. now, i can change colors in seconds. this is very hard to describe! but imagine a light "blob", translucent in nature. a piece of silly-putty made out of cotton as viewed through an unfocused camera lense. similar to smoke, but hazy and able to change color.

i need a break from this, so ill post what i have so far and come back and describe more later... you can private message me so i dont ruin this guys thread if you are still interested.

i have only described from my montessori/preschool days to about the 10 year mark. it gets more interesting as we can conjure up almost ANYTHING. it took me over a decade to be able to materialize "hard" lines. again, i did this with minimal outside influence, and one could probably get to where i am in a matter of days, minutes, even seconds...

in the past decade, i have been able to access a spirit realm that oftentimes frightens me, but can also be awe-inspiring space travel.

this is similar to the little guy that i ran into a couple of months ago:

ive tried to hang around and interact, but my skin starts to crawl and i open my eyes every time (instant shut off)...

um yeah. apologies for any confusion or rambling. this is VERY tough to explain!

oh, and no doors. there is no shape, unless you desire it. and it is NOT a replica of this world in the least bit... that could be just MY experience though... i believe that soon the "me, my, and i" will be "we, our, and us"... science aint got # on whats to come!!!

ill attempt to finish this train later. i am posting just as an example of where this thread will go...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Student X
This weekend I am undergoing a spirit walk peyote sacrament

I'm looking at a blue, hard grown, multi headed beauty right now as I type this that i've been growing for years. I'm saving it for my midlife crisis incase I need a different perspective.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by egregore

I find even though i do art and music in the waking world, that when i meditate or dream i cant see.. these senses switch off. but what i do get a sense of is the flow, the ebbs and waves. almost like im building mountains and valleys in real time.. i sometimes hear the vibrations of these peaks as i make them.. i see the darkness and then i blast though it drawing upon the blank canvas, but its without color, its funny you mention color, because for a minute i imagiend someone like yourself adding the color to the landscape as i draw it. like a person would color a comic after the illustrator has done the outline..
makes for a totally diffrent outlook on the trip...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by AdamsMurmur
The thing is, I was technically unconscious yet I saw myself in this "plastic tent" of sorts, and I saw my father by the bed wallowing in rage that I might die.

for some reason, i instantly thought of the film ZARDOZ when i read "plastic tent". that film always resonated with me as stangely prophetic...

anyway, can you describe your memories of the experience being perceived NOW as a known thought a bit more in-depthly? sounds like a quantum jump to me...

the point of this thread is to have the layman describe his/her experience in layman's terms. it is quite difficult and a challenge!

hopefully, all that view this thread find the infos as fascinating as the are...
edit on 20-5-2011 by egregore because: speeling misteak

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

funny that you say that. i am an artist and musician myself. ive always thought of percussion as adding color to the waves created by others... probably influenced by an old elvin jones video.

its courageous of you to attack the blank slate with vibrational KNOWING. its a battle sometimes to even get started with any artform, because we know there are no boudaries... those who take the fear seriously within 3D oftentimes limit themselves to thinking within a box so as to not be overwhelmed.

if i were not riddled with a neuromuscular "disease", i would say that we should get together and paint with sound, with a satchel of this great brazilian strain that i grow...

anyway, my name is ben. hopefully this thread continues to push forward, open some "eyes", and fuel the creative process!

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:10 PM

This thread has been ongoing for a few days, with great wisdom in the responses. I put this in here just to share not to hijack. I will come back later and add as I said in the other thread, I will respond further when the topic comes up and it has, thank you. May be a few days, heading on a road trip for now.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by sailormon

This thread has been ongoing for a few days, with great wisdom in the responses. I put this in here just to share not to hijack. I will come back later and add as I said in the other thread, I will respond further when the topic comes up and it has, thank you. May be a few days, heading on a road trip for now.

GREAT THREAD! GREAT infos over there! i encourage that anyone interested in this/these topic(s) to have a gander and contribute to this train. i subscribed. thanks, sailor!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by egregore

Thank you, Egregore, for starting this thread. I have really odd hours. If I don't always respond in a timely manner, you can bet I've been sidetracked by "real world" issues I have to deal with.

I would love to hear more about your experiences.

Certainly, certain "chemicals" can enhance these experiences, but I'm sure you must have these experiences even when you're straight.

The Reptilians keep coming up on these metaphysical threads. How can you recognize their interference?

I think the Reptilians are supposed to be evil ETs masquerading as humans (David Icke?).

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 10:30 AM
just checkin... did anyone encounter jesus over the course of the night?


posted on May, 21 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by sailormon

This thread has been ongoing for a few days, with great wisdom in the responses. I put this in here just to share not to hijack. I will come back later and add as I said in the other thread, I will respond further when the topic comes up and it has, thank you. May be a few days, heading on a road trip for now.

I have read your post, sailormon, and this one is great too. I only hope the trolls stay away. I have has what could be termed "OBE," or "Astral Travel" experiences for most of my life. I guess what some think of as a supernatural thing is a daily occurrence for me. I will relate one that lasted for many years, about once a month or so.

I would find myself standing on a precipice, really high up, and down below would be a dark field, they Sun would be poking up, half of it visible to me, and the planets in orbit around the Sun were always in stark relief. As the planets went around, they made a song, like. Beautiful music it was, I would watch this in awe. I saw this particular scene many times, from about 12 years old to age 47, the last time. On my 47th birthday I saw the scene again. It was at that time it occurred to me that I could take one finger, touch just one of the planets, and the whole thing would crash and destroy itself. I knew that I could destroy the whole thing, and this frightened me. I placed both hands behind me, and told myself that there was no way I would do that.

It never happened again, I am 57 now, and haven't seen it since that time on my birthday. It was a test, you see, and not the only test I have passed, either.

Astral travel is something I seem to be born with, I do it all the time, and sometimes am completely conscious of everything. One time I came into a very large cavern like. Sitting there were these three "Kings," I call them that because they all were sitting on thrones, and had jewel encrusted crowns on their heads. They were all gold, everything. Even their finger and toe nails were gold. I could feel thoughts being transferred, and looked further into the room. On a far "wall," there was a screen lie, it went around in a semi circle, was coal black and very shiny, like polished, and had many lights on the screen. The lights were red, green, yellow, and blue. Then I saw these little guys before the screen, they were moving the lights around on the screen. As the golden men were sending thoughts to these little guys, they would move back and forth, and move the lights on the screen. I watched this, and was trying to figure out what were they controlling, for they certainly seems to be in control of something. As I was thinking about this, the golden man closest to me turned and looked right at me. I heard a voice in my head, very loud, and male, say, "You do not belong here! Go away now!" I was immediately yanked back into my body, and suffered from psychic shock for a few days after. I have never seen this again, and have often wondered who in Hell were these golden men, and what were they in control of? There are legends of an Anciect Golden Race.
I have not seen this place again, and often wonder at this.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by egregore

stubled across an interesting train today... have a look here: source

The only way of escape is through emotional disconnection to this 3 dimensional illusory joke. Everything within this 3D realm has an aspect of such incredible lunacy and insanity, and still, the people look to the leaders, the elite, the power-brokers for salvation and relief. When in reality, all of these elite movers and shakers, and the many not so elite conspiracy truthers, who are attempting to cause the masses to rise up like a lion to replace the head haunchos with yet another set of elitists, are the ones perpetuating the emotional connection to the 3D illusory experience. Escape is only accomplished by realizing that there is no path to follow to achieve oneness and the paradise state. For a path suggests distance, which is space, which is time, and Time and Space do not exist. Therefore, those who attempt to initiate a revolution of violence or non-violence, are leading the masses into a gas chamber of horrific proportions, even as they’re cheered for setting them free from the illusory bonds of corruption and deceit, only to be bound with a new fresh set of fetters, even stronger than the first. The only way of escape is through the mind, and the total emotional disconnect from believing that any of this hellish 3D experience has any validity or worth.

would love to read some thoughts...

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Arkady

Originally posted by Student X
This weekend I am undergoing a spirit walk peyote sacrament

I'm looking at a blue, hard grown, multi headed beauty right now as I type this that i've been growing for years. I'm saving it for my midlife crisis incase I need a different perspective.

Sounds like a beauty. Will you be making a tea?

Anyway, just to let everyone know, I underwent the peyote spirit walk in the desert. It was difficult but priceless experience. It changed my life! I highly recommend a peyote spirit walk to all spiritual seekers.

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