posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Originally posted by CanadianDream420
This is an AWESOME conspiracy
Let's hope it's true.
I truly cannot see him having relations with that, sorry, FAT housekeeper then paying her 65000$ for a house.
She must have been the right blood type and size to giev birth to his clone.
It's refreshing to see someone with this outlook about Arnie's *supposed* romance with this housekeeper. In this thread's first incarnation, a
SuperModerator dumped it into the Trash Bin because of a misunderstanding about using Before It's News as a source. It was resolved, and I was
allowed to repost this thread in Skunk Works instead of Breaking News forum. So, it worked out well, except there are far fewer responses this time
That being said, the first incarnation of this thread late last night had all of the night owls pounding the article becasue it was suggested that the
housekeeper was not of Arnie's caliber. For some reason, 95% of the responses said they couldn't accept that part of the theory, --they thought
Arnie WOULD HAVE slept with the rather lackluster-looking housekeeper. ????
This is Arnold Swarzenegger, former Mr. Universe, right? This guy had bedroom scenes with a young, hot Sharon Stone in TOTAL RECALL. Even the witch
scene in CONAN THE BARBARIAN, --the witch was hot. Every woman in every Arnold movie has been pretty darn hot. The man married a hot Kennedy. I
agree with the article's point about it being unlikely for THE AHH-NULD to get "passionate" with a lackluster housekeeper. I mean, c'mon. All
he'd have to do is make a few phone calls to a friend or two and "Voila!" --anywhere from 1 to 20 hot girls would be discreetly coming in through
the back door of the house (wouldn't want to make it obvious). OR he would go to Vegas to gamble some high stakes money and end up with a discreet
companion or something. But, a plain old housekeeper? I mean, it would be different if the housekeeper was the typical HOT French Maid.
Please don't take my perspective on this point as my personally being shallow. I am merely pointing out that this is a HOLLYWOD situation, with
HOLLYWOOD-level charisma. Turn it around, think about all these hot actresses and their male companions. Most of them are handsome men. Yes, there
are exceptions. 99% of the time, the rule stands. Could this be the 1% exception? Perhaps, but this is AHH-NULD, not your typical guy.