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Swarzenegger "Love Child" is a Clone!

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:18 AM

Swarzenegger "Love Child" is a Clone!

This is in SKUNK WORKS for a reason. It is *highly speculative* yet has highly attributing FACTS.

The source article is from "Before It's News." However, the facts presented in the article (especially the events of 1997) are irrefutable.READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE before responding, please.


There is rumor and buzz about Hollywood actor and former California Governor Arnold Swarzenegger’s alleged “love child” right out of the plot of a movie he starred in, “The 6thDay,” that involved a plot concerning illegal human cloning. While the movie was a financial flop, the ideas behind the movie are quite controversial, as is the topic of human cloning itself.

Rumors that Swarzenegger had cloned himself began to circulate when reports came forth about the child’s striking resemblance to his father. “Spitting image,” was a phrase that many used. To date, all currently available photographs and images of the alleged “love child” or clone are being censored.

This has led to speculation that Swarzenegger had himself cloned, and that he paid Mildred Patricia Baena (who prefers to go by “Patty”) to be the surrogate host. Before moving on, it is important to consider the timeline of the events.

First, in mid-1996, a healthy adult sheep, named Dolly, had been secretly cloned in a laboratory in Roslin, Scotland. This cloning milestone had been kept quiet until finally unveiled in a public announcement on February 2nd, 1997. This created quite a controversy concerning the viability, usefulness and ethics of human cloning. The debate garnered so much attention that President Clinton intervened early the next month. On March 4th, 1997, President Clinton barred any and all federal funding for research on human cloning. Of course, his ban only prevented federal funding. What happened in the private research world remained private.

Insiders have stated that Arnold most likely had been in Europe during this time, both for business and for a vacation. At least one member of his inner circle has confirmed that Arnold might have stayed several days in Scotland and Ireland, on a “scenic tour.” Patty and several other “staffers” accompanied him on this trip to help take care of “odds and ends,” said the insider. There is no definitive confirmation of his presence in Europe; however, the insiders believe the dates to be correct. "It's not like we were taking extensive notes or anything," one said. However, Swarzenegger was a visitor to the hospital in 1997, surely precipitated by his eventual heart surgery that year (more about that later).

Next, fast forward about nine months, the standard period of pregnancy for a human child, to the date of October 2nd, 1997, the date-of-birth for Arnold’s “love child.” Link to birth certificate:

So far there has been speculation on the particulars of how and when Swarzenegger might have cloned himself. What needs to be considered is why the average person would do so (if provided the opportunity), and why Arnold Swarzenegger would do so?

The common theory behind “replacement cloning” involves people cloning only their vital organs to be used to replace aging or diseased ones. This negates the need for transplanting someone else’s organ into the body, which often triggers and immune response, and eliminates the need for Immunosuppressive drugs.

Schwarzenegger was born with a condition called "bicuspid aortic valving," --an aortic valve with only two openings, or "flaps," as opposed to a normal one with three. Schwarzenegger chose in 1997 for a replacement heart valve made of his own transplanted tissue; physicians estimated Swarzenegger would need heart valve replacement surgery in the next two to eight years because of valve deterioration. He apparently decided against implanting a synthetic valve, the only permanent resolution to his condition at that time, because he enjoyed being able to exercise and this would have curtailed heightened physical activity. Again, the year 1997 comes up. Link to report:

Therefore, and so far, Swarzenegger would have cloned his own tissue and/or organs because he knew he would at least need heart tissue. Being the purist that he has been noted for in numerous interviews on television and in magazines, Swarzenegger would have probably preferred using his own tissue, and in fact, his own tissue was used. It is speculated that this tissue was cloned while he was in Scotland. Further, the cloning procedures could have taken place anywhere, not necessarily only in Scotland.

Rumors and emails have leaked from an unnamed laboratory that Swarzenegger decided to take cloning one step further. It is said that he wanted to have another copy of himself available to take-on the next generation of “America.” Imagine how tempting it would be for Swarzenegger, an Austrian immigrant who won the seat of Governor but could not win the Presidency because of constitutional restrictions about overseas birth, to want that possibility for another, cloned, version of himself. The alleged “love child” is a United States citizen, full-fledged and perfectly viable to contend for the Presidency. Imagine seeing a younger version of yourself, and of grooming that alternate “you” for the Office of the President of the United States. Imagine watching the election and celebrating with yourself (the clone) in the White House.

Did Arnold Swarzenegger have himself cloned and implanted into Patty back in 1997, knowing that the existence of this “love child” would eventually be released into the public? Was he alone in the conception and execution of this plan? If any of this is the reality, then a clone of Arnold Swarzenegger might be on the horizon, ready to take the American cinema and political scenes by storm. It would be the ultimate redux, the ultimate voyeurism. Who needs a Manchurian Candidate? If this is true, then we would have an Austrian Candidate sitting on the throne of the Free World that is the White House.
(visit the link for the full news article)

What are your ideas on this? Is there something to this? Is it possible? Share and COLLABORATE...

edit on 20-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: Typo

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

Perhaps your right, I would love another Arnold.. he given so much in da movies, but the kid better start pumping it up.. and im kind of sorry for that "love child" just left behind by him like that, with no father.


posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by GhostLancer

nice thread and pretty interesting.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:43 AM
Indeed nice thread, definetly possible, i'd like to see a pic of the kid to see how much of a 'spitting image' he is, Its definetly all abit fishy though...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 02:43 AM
When me and my wife decided to have a baby we knew that he would be our clone
He looks the spitting image of me when i was his age and that is will good old human procration.

I doubt very very very (it goes on for longer) very very very much that this child is a human clone, for one its highly illegal, its against human rights and i think out right silly. So what arnie played away and had a kid he chosen to keep quiet about.

Unless there is a video of this kid being created (no not a porn flick) then im out on this one.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by wlasikiewicz
I doubt very very very (it goes on for longer) very very very much that this child is a human clone, for one its highly illegal, its against human rights and i think out right silly. So what arnie played away and had a kid he chosen to keep quiet about.

Unless there is a video of this kid being created (no not a porn flick) then im out on this one.

Great point-of-view! What you say is the way the world should BE: if it is ILLEGAL then it shouldn't happen. With all due respect, please realize that once people have a certain amount of MONEY in their bank accounts they suddenly have RESOURCES not available to the average person. Beyond that, once people ascend to political office (such as GOVERNOR), they have connections to ALL MANNER of science and resource that the average person couldn't imagine.

Arnold had/has BOTH. He is Hollywood ROYALTY. He is political ROYALTY. He has a 300+ MILLION DOLLAR personal wealth... Do we? No. Does ANYONE ON ATS? Do Nah, probably not.

Do "we" have a means of cloning ourselves? No. So, put yourself into the shoes of a person who has the means and motive to clone himself...

In the end, when you have enough money, "legal" does NOT apply. Keep that in mind.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: You won't EVER see such a video. Think about it: you are asking for video PROOF of something someone wants to keep hidden. Arnie would be a FOOOOL to have recorded ANY evidence of his CLANDESTINE follies. Think about it: would you, as an intelligent person, ever record YOU doing something ILLEGAL? C'mon... Really? REALLY?

edit on 20-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: Additional Thought

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 03:13 AM
I understand the implication of what you are saying.Clonning humans is not a stretch, I would go as far as to saying that I believe it has been done numerous times .However the clone would have to be the same age as the DNA sample it was taken from . So unless Arnie's parents had forsight to keep his umbilical cord on ice almost 60 odd years ago, you will not in principle have a clone aged from 0-10 such as his alledged love child .I'm aware of one particular family that has kept their umbilical chords for over 400 years..So what did they know ? I have some interesting data on loreal paris and clone research .Anyhow I would love to see a picture of the contriversial child all the same out of curiosity.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by 13th Zodiac
I understand the implication of what you are saying.Clonning humans is not a stretch, I would go as far as to saying that I believe it has been done numerous times .However the clone would have to be the same age as the DNA sample it was taken from . So unless Arnie's parents had forsight to keep his umbilical cord on ice almost 60 odd years ago, you will not in principle have a clone aged from 0-10 such as his alledged love child .I'm aware of one particular family that has kept their umbilical chords for over 400 years..So what did they know ? I have some interesting data on loreal paris and clone research .Anyhow I would love to see a picture of the contriversial child all the same out of curiosity.

Great points!! I would submit, perhaps, that cloning may not be limited to the age of the DNA sample submitted. I am not a microbiologist, or whatever specialty best covers human cloning. However, it would seem that there would be a loophole around that. However, if the boy begins premature aging... In fact, perhaps he already has, and that is why the story finally broke ---because people couldn't explain just why there was a 13 year-old mini-Arnold Swarzenegger walking around in their middle school...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:24 AM
It would explain him having sex with a trollish woman when any woman he wants or desires is available, because he never would have to had sex with her!

I'm freakin' out if the kid has John or Conner in its name...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:31 AM
heres a link to an un-pixalated picture of his "love child" 05&w=540&sz=115&hl=en&start=0&sig2=Evg0L5tgxed5-zkYXSAxWg&zoom=1&tbnid=VW5O8Xx-4wOF4M:&tbnh=133&tbnw=170&ei=tojWTduVCtG38gPv88HXCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3D arnold%2Bschwarzenegger%2Blove%2Bchild%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1020%26bih%3D592%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=0&sqi=2&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429, r:4,s:0&tx=91&ty=58

ignore the google link
2nd link is the one
edit on 20-5-2011 by GezinhoKiko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

heres a link to an un-pixalated picture of his "love child"

Wow, sorry, I see too much resemblance of that woman in that kid to think he's a clone.....unless someone's got a pic of Arnold at that age to compare......

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

Here, you can compare the little mite with this pic of Arnie in earlier days:

All all three sons of Arnie, his illigitimate son is a carbon copy of his father.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

I don't know, guys.....I'm not seeing a resemblance that would be of the caliber of "cloning." This is Arnold as a youngster:

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:07 AM
It's a shame that he had to ruin his marriage, by admitting to infidelity, just so he could protect his secret clone...

The kid bares a resemblance, but as the poster above has shown, this kid looks nothing like Schwarzenegger as a child.

EDIT: Also, if you were to clone yourself, would you not want to raise your clone to act and think like you and posses all of your knowledge and life experience so they can be a true clone and not just a genetic clone....nah, everyone want's their clones raised by retired housekeepers.

edit on 20-5-2011 by Aggie Man because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:13 AM
The whole story is just a publicity stunt, timed for his re-entry into entertainment. This clone theory is brilliant. The sperminator is back!

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Aggie Man

: Also, if you were to clone yourself, would you not want to raise your clone to act and think like you and posses all of your knowledge and life experience so they can be a true clone and not just a genetic clone....nah, everyone want's their clones raised by retired housekeepers.

Excellent point......

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:24 AM
I'm going to go with 'just his kid' My reasoning is that his clone child should look a lot more like the arnold child. This is the only pic i could find so far, and as a kid arnold looks more like himself than his supposed clone does.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
It's a shame that he had to ruin his marriage, by admitting to infidelity, just so he could protect his secret clone...

The kid bares a resemblance, but as the poster above has shown, this kid looks nothing like Schwarzenegger as a child.

Human cloning, at least what is publicly available, is so new that it doesn't even exist --as far as the public knows. Although I find it hard to imagine some group NOT having secretly done it so far, we aren't privy to how alike a cloned human would appear to the original, especially in the light of raising the clone in a different environment from the original. It's the classic nature versus nurture argument ---with a twist being how *well* the cloning process was conducted. Then there is randomness and entropy involved.

I think that identical twins seperated at birth do end up looking very similar, however they also had the advantage of growing up in the same time period as each other, even if their environments differed. If Arnie cloned himself, then his clone grew up in a different environment than he did, AND he grew up in a different time period. Further, what differences are there between Arnie's time period and ours? Factors involved might be gravity itself, air quality, air differences, water differences (elements, minerals, flouride, etc.), house paint, lighting conditions, animals, dust, etc. It's like the Butterfly Effect (a butterfly flapping its wings in China can cause a series of interactions that would multiply over vast distances, possibly generating major storms that otherwise would never have come to exist on another continent). Who is to say how much influence such seemingly minor factors might have over the genetic expression of Arnie's clone's appearance over 13 years? It's something to ponder.

ADDITIONAL THOUGHT: If he were cloned, the "love child" would still have been placed into Patty's womb, and surely THAT might somehow affect the development of the embryo. In what ways, it's hard to say. Any thoughts?

ANOTHER THOUGHT: And, after all of this, of course, the kid could just be a normal kid created in a normal way. It's just that earlier in 1997 the topic of cloning was HUGE, attracting worldwide and Presidential attention, and mix in Arnie's surgery using his own tissue, possible visits to Scotland, timing, etc. I'm glad the world is filled with mysteries; it's more interesting this way.
edit on 20-5-2011 by GhostLancer because: Additional thought.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Khaaaaaan!!
I'm going to go with 'just his kid' My reasoning is that his clone child should look a lot more like the arnold child. This is the only pic i could find so far, and as a kid arnold looks more like himself than his supposed clone does.

Nice finds...

Has anyone stopped to think that maybe the kid doesn't look like him because cloning acted like a inbreeding and maybe kid was born deformed from his intended image ?

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 12:01 PM
This is an AWESOME conspiracy

Let's hope it's true.

I truly cannot see him having relations with that, sorry, FAT housekeeper then paying her 65000$ for a house.

She must have been the right blood type and size to giev birth to his clone.

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