posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 02:37 AM
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The entire 'Church' is in apostasy. This is the throne (Talmudic-Cabalistic-Zionism) of Satan NOW! It is the seat, the power and authority of the
Dragon, it is Lucifer.
Let's be clear here, The entire 'Church' Many people call themselves Christians and have no idea or any understanding of the Gospel... The church
today has been hijacked and many are false leaders....False meaning hypocrites...
The 'Church' is the Body of Christ..Meaning if you believe Christ Jesus died for your sins so you would be granted eternal life with God the
Father...and ask forgiveness for your sins, then will be granted salvation, you are a Christ follower and part of the 'Church' i.e. Body of
Christ......regardless of your ethnic background or your religious upbringing....
I truly believe 'The Beast' is the false church we have today...that cross all sects and religions..
Revelations is the most complex chapter in the bible to understand ....Be careful about your theories and guesses...God does not want us spending so
much time on the mysteries of the Beast, The Antichrist and the End of the World..
These are traps Satan will use to distract you and keep your eyes off of God....
We will know when the time gets here...And if you are a true believer in Christ, then you will know, we all come into this world with an appointed day
and time and we will leave the same way as does it really matter if we figure out who the The Beast is and The Antichrist and the battle of
Armageddon? You nor I can do one thing to change it.