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A conspiracy about the beasts of revelations hiding in plain sight.

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posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: lastday

I know this is an old post. I hope you are still here.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: lastday

The entire 'Church' is in apostasy. This is the throne (Talmudic-Cabalistic-Zionism) of Satan NOW! It is the seat, the power and authority of the Dragon, it is Lucifer.

Let's be clear here, The entire 'Church' Many people call themselves Christians and have no idea or any understanding of the Gospel... The church today has been hijacked and many are false leaders....False meaning hypocrites...

The 'Church' is the Body of Christ..Meaning if you believe Christ Jesus died for your sins so you would be granted eternal life with God the Father...and ask forgiveness for your sins, then will be granted salvation, you are a Christ follower and part of the 'Church' i.e. Body of Christ......regardless of your ethnic background or your religious upbringing....

I truly believe 'The Beast' is the false church we have today...that cross all sects and religions..

Revelations is the most complex chapter in the bible to understand ....Be careful about your theories and guesses...God does not want us spending so much time on the mysteries of the Beast, The Antichrist and the End of the World..

These are traps Satan will use to distract you and keep your eyes off of God....

We will know when the time gets here...And if you are a true believer in Christ, then you will know, we all come into this world with an appointed day and time and we will leave the same way as does it really matter if we figure out who the The Beast is and The Antichrist and the battle of Armageddon? You nor I can do one thing to change it.


posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 03:10 AM
The first beast is the USA/British Anglo-Erican world power. The 2nd beast is the puppet or image of the beast the first beast created. The USA/British created the United Nations along with the other victors of WW2. Also revelations speaks more specifically of this beast, the UN, when it talks about how the 'beast was, but died, and then became again.' Before the UN was established the allied forces tried to establish the UN in another form known as the League of Nations. This obviously 'died' when WW2 erupted and the League of Nations(International peacekeeping government made by governments) failed to carry out its authority. After WW2 the U.S. Dropped the A-Bomb and really scared the world. This gave them the rocket fuel needed to establish the UN without question. Now this UN is only controlling so much right now. But soon it will affect every single person in ways we've never seen before. Life as we know it in the early 2000's and prior will never be the same. The world will become more divided from the living rooms to the schools to the workplaces to the governments buildings and this will cause many more problems than we can ever handle on our own. This division will cause more chaos, confusion and more chaos. The UN will step in and start controlling freedom and they way people live to try and keep peace. But people will naturally resist as they will feel like their freedom is being taken away. This will just add more fuel to the fire. Gays will oppose Christians, Muslims will continue to oppose Jews, atheists:theists, traditionalists:progressives, etc...this will all lead to more rules and international 'peacekeeping.' The Scarlett colored beast is the UN. The Harlot riding on her is religious political organizations using government as a tool. As people who oppose religion become more apparent in our ever progressive nihilistic western society, these individuals will force out the 'bigots' and religious people. This is when the Scarlett beast turns on the harlot and devours her. This is symbolic. Basically governments will become secular and atheistic and demand that since religion is behind most wars that in not be talked about, or done in the public sphere and if you do you're a terrorist. Then you will be sought after. Just watch as time progresses. You don't have to believe any of this but just watch it unfold.

a reply to: sk0rpi0n

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:44 AM
close and very good interpretation but you are Correct but the first beast seems to fit the profile of usa more the beast has not been wounded yet, and I would count isreal and usa as both one beast, because they both represent nwo, most of this stuff is in the process of happening, some say one was pagan rome us and rome, either we we agree us israel are evil period, so who is babylon the great, all religions will be judged thats why its better to follow none just God, but there will be one nwo so essentially all nations are evil and one antichrist, duh, however it wont even mater once the horses show up, and religion is all the same in gods eyes he judges the soul not the ideals
edit on 14-8-2015 by tmothy because: correction

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