posted on May, 19 2011 @ 08:34 PM
Haha kidding. but seriously any 1 here remember that topic that had the coded message and apparently gave some info about a die off of people with a
negative blood type? wouldnt that suck if it came true sence there talking about the rapture on 5/21. would be a great cover for the 500,000,000
quota. i myself being of the most universal doner blood type i would be one of the casualties. im not realy asking for your blood types i just was
wanting to put this out again if there is a die off ask people near you what blood type they are. your thoughts on the correlation.
oh and alot of the topics have been 404ed for the blood type thing if any 1 remember post what u can.
lets pray that tptb arent this monster we think they are.