posted on May, 19 2011 @ 06:36 PM
His country had its own bank it was some 60 billion I think I heard to the black..
while NATO the "defensive organization" that is attacking him is toatally in A whole
to the luciferian debt slave bankers
jump beatch....turn around,.... pick a bale of cotton....
Gadhaffi took Lybia from being the poorest to being the best off County in Africa
with his debt free stae currency....
the financial systen that JESUS WANTED
while the self proclaimed christian ounties kiss luci's butt for nickels
go figure...Vatican bank the temple..
of course he has got to go...
oh and by the way
Lockerbie was a frame up
which is why they let Magrahi go without an appeal
same old, same old
I don't know if Gadafiffi is the bad guy
but compared to him
what have the enema got to offer as the goodguy?...
the guy who never told the truth....ever?
edit on 19-5-2011 by Danbones because: more coffee
edit on 19-5-2011 by Danbones
because: flag and star