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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:08 PM


Daily Show Interview

I was just watching this excerpt of The Daily Show, wherein Jon Stewart interviews an author by the name of Annie Jacobsen, who has just published a book entitled Area 51. Straight out: her sources tell her that there were/are no ETs or ET craft at the base. However, the story she tells is quite interesting...

She claims her source (or sources?) indicated that the saucer that crashed ioutside of Roswell was in fact a Soviet aircraft of some sort, designed by Nazi scientists in the custody of the USSR (a la Operation Paperclip). The pilots of the craft were evidently diminutive men. The premise is that Stalin hoped to rouse up some UFO-induced unrest.

Mind you, this is from someone who worked at the base, not a military PR spokesperson, who would probably still maintain that it was...well, whatever the mlitary folks current say Roswell was (flying saucer, weather balloon, radiation detector, etc.).

I am inclined to not believe this story; it sounds outlandish. Of course, I WANT the ET version to be true, just as I want them to be real, despite my never having experienced anything even remotely suggestive of their supposed reality, so I'm definitely biased and much more inclined to poo-poo a Russian-centered story than an ET-centered tale.

Such is the psychology of an agnostic believer!

Anyway, anyone who may have read Nick Cook's The Hunt for Zero Point or similar titles will be well aware of the notion that a few Nazi engineers studied disc-like craft and "anti-gravity" technologies during WWII, and that post-WWII anti-gravity technology was subsequently very hush-hush (i.e. very highly classified). It's obviously totally within the realm of possibility that these dudes (brothers, according to Jacobsen) accomplished this goal, and that in lieu of as-yet--undeveloped ICBM and strategic bomber threats, Stalin may have sent the craft over to menace American air space. I just don't think that sounds very plausible, in the sense that we were building a nuclear arsenal by 1947. How likely is it that the Soviet leaders would have seen this as a prudent provocation barely two years after the US had annihilated two cities in a nearby country with rather modest nuclear bombs?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:40 PM
Very interesting, indeed. I saw this as well and thought the exact same thing.
Thanks for posting this!!

Lol, ps.. Diminutive persons, as in midgets???!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by mahajohn

She claims her source (or sources?) indicated that the saucer that crashed ioutside of Roswell was in fact a Soviet aircraft of some sort, designed by Nazi scientists in the custody of the USSR (a la Operation Paperclip). The pilots of the craft were evidently diminutive men. The premise is that Stalin hoped to rouse up some UFO-induced unrest.

Mind you, this is from someone who worked at the base, not a military PR spokesperson, who would probably still maintain that it was...well, whatever the mlitary folks current say Roswell was (flying saucer, weather balloon, radiation detector, etc.).

This claim seems even more outlandish than a Saucer crash. Think about it if this was a Russian craft what kind of technology would it have to keep it a secret for over 60 years. This goes along the same lines as claims that the crash was actually a secret U.S. aircraft. In either case why keep an aircraft crash secret when you can simply say "Everyone it was an aircraft that crashed in Roswell in 1947." You don't ever have to say it was experimental.

If it really was a soviet aircraft the U.S. government would certainly have held it over the U.S.S.R.'s head in diplomatic channels. By the time the U.S. released their final report they should have at least been able to say a Russian aircraft crashed and not claim it was Project Mogul which their own records state started years after Roswell.

Not that it really matters today they could come out tomorrow with the entire truth with evidence and if was benign (human built craft) no one will believe the story. We have so well been indoctrined to the idea that we have been lied to about Roswell that no matter what we are told (unless it involves aliens) its a lie.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Starrunner

Wow. That was very well spoken, sir - Point, taken!!
Second line.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:33 PM
didn't she also imply the aviators were nazi - mutated children ?

hey, only a few people know the truth and I'm not one of them.

she said stalin was trying to provoke a war of the worlds reaction.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

What military would send 'mutated children' as pilots for an extraordinarily dangerous and sensitive mission?

Generally, in the USSR, like in the USA, the pilots would be top-level hard-core straight-arrow heroic Captain Russia types. The sort of people who are smart, well trained, and damn good pilots. The ones military officers trust.

For example, was Gary Powers a shrunken transsexual?

In 1947, officers of the USSR would not exactly think highly of some Nazi prisoner's repulsively bizzare ideas. You'd probably have to stop them from torturing such a Dr. Mengele-type for suggesting them.[

If it really was a soviet aircraft the U.S. government would certainly have held it over the U.S.S.R.'s head in diplomatic channels.

Actually, I doubt it---if the USSR in 1947 had been able to penetrate deep in US airspace so easily then nobody in the US would have dared to admit it.

And if the USSR had such technology in 1947 then why did they end up producing

and not something radically different?

I really doubt it was ET but I don't believe this story either---unless, in truth, what crashed was not really anything like a magic 'flying saucer' and there weren't any child-sized pilots.

I just don't think that sounds very plausible, in the sense that we were building a nuclear arsenal by 1947. How likely is it that the Soviet leaders would have seen this as a prudent provocation barely two years after the US had annihilated two cities in a nearby country with rather modest nuclear bombs?

A thought occurred to me. Maybe it wasn't an intentional Soviet provocation at all, but a botched reconaissance mission. They were spying on the US nuclear & bomber complex, which was pretty heavily concentrated in New Mexico in 1947. They were desperately scared. They had the information on the A-bomb from Klaus' Fuchs espionage in Los Alamos, so they knew it was real, but they didn't know how fast it was being industrialized and deployed. Given historical circumstances, and actual human logic, this makes the most sense to me. And any US cover-up is also logical.

edit on 23-5-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-5-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 11:59 AM
This book was based on the claims of one man. And i honestly can't believe how the mainstream takes this explanation more seriously then the ET one.

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