posted on May, 18 2011 @ 04:18 PM
I concur. It gets really frustrating to keep seeing the same type of thread, usually with old/already beaten to death/incorrect/plainly obvious
information, especially when there is no significant contribution to the topic. Just a video or link to wikipedia. I'm speaking about OP's as well as
the people that reply. The two line minimum rule for posts doesn't mean you should be able to get away with just typing "2nd line" on the second line
of your post, especially when the first line is nothing more than I agree or I disagree or this is awesome or OMG. And can someone please put a stop
to the use/abuse of wikipedia as a source? Wikipedia is not a source. Ever. For anything. If you want to use it to look up info for your own reasons,
fine. But you cant just start a thread with a link to wikipedia and say that you researched something. You people are driving me crazy! Even the mods
and top contributors are guilty of making insubstantial posts, throwing around stars and flags, sometimes just making a post to tell someone they
S&F'd them.
S & F Couldn't they have said 2011 or 2013? Why 2012? On a serious note. I hope they do find it. Thanks for posting the story.
C'mon man! I'd have like 15,000 posts too if I just replied to every post I see with nothing relevant to contribute. Thanks.
edit on 18-5-2011
by ZeroReady because: typo