posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:14 AM
I thought this was interesting, but I am posting as hindsight for people to think about. For every action, there is a reaction.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Cops, they provide an essential service. However, this situation could have been handled better. I think that the
original officer should be punished, if not fired. I understand that Philly is a rough place, but not everybody is a bad guy.
However, on the flip side, if Fiorino had complied immediately, he probably wouldn’t have had the troubles that he had. But then again, how many
police officers have committed crimes themselves using the badge as cover. I am always nervous and a bit peeved when a gun is pointed at me.
Regardless of who it is.
My take is that once it was discovered that he was legally carrying a firearm, a apology is in order.