posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:52 PM
Ok, so a while back ago I saw a thread in which where it talked about, and also showed a video, on this new technology or new software where you can
take a video, and on the screen that you are looking you can circle an object and the object literally disappears.
It works by lowering the quality of the object circled, takes it out, then heightens the quality back to normal, making it VERY EASY to take out
objects from videos.
It is really amazing, you can literally circle (lets say) an outlet on the wall, and it disappears, and you can take the video, and in the video you
see a wall with NO outlet. (This is an example).
I looked everywhere, on ATS, and YouTube, and I cannot, for the life of me, find it anywhere. I know for a fact it was posted on ATS, and a lot of
people thought it was amazing.
I believe the OP in that thread said this is how you could have hid missiles on 9/11. But again, it was a while ago, and I do not remember much, and
definitely cannot find it.
Also, feel free to flag it, so more members will see it, and I can finally find it.
Please, and Thank You.