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United Kingdom needs to do something now before its too late !!

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posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by johnaldo165

My wife and I are both technically Disabled (she needs a lot of care for physical health issues and I suffer from PTSD, IED and Rapid Cycling Bi-polar disorder) and we're having a similar issue. We're only band C (we're contesting for a band B place) when it comes to bidding on properties and there's always 20 to 30 people ahead of us for each property we bid on...most of them immigrants according to local figures.

The funny thing is, we're trying to move to where my wife's family are so that I can have extra help to look after my wife without having to spend state funds on a carer to help me, so we're trying to save the state money in a way.

We're looking at at least 12 months on the list before we even get to see one of the houses we're bidding on. The system really sucks for us nationals.

Oh and for the record, I have family from Indonesia whom I get on very well with, so please don't mistake my words for a raciest rant...after all, I hate everyone equally no matter where they come from.


posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by johnaldo165

I watched a program before (I think was about how a civil war could start but im not sure now, maybe i imagined that bit) That showed when muslims moved into an area, their family would allso mive to that area and then the locals would move out, and that this could cause some English cities to become muslim and some to be mostly white people.

I allways thought about this in the mid 90s when they all started coming here. I thought did they learn nothing from the trojan horse story?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:36 PM
Referring to the title; "United Kingdom needs to do something now before its too late !!" too late for what? What are you afraid of? I'm sorry if these HUMANS, oh wait, I mean "foreigner's," are preventing you from getting a job but there are worse things to worry about than people breaching onto "our land."
Why not talk to one of these "foreigner's" one day, get to know them, ask what brought them here.
Propaganda has fed this racial classification for far too long and I doubt it will end any time soon.
We shouldn't look down on the "foreigner's", we should greet, welcome them.
I know people feel there is a lot to take into account and I know i'm just jabbering on here, I just hate to see people choose materialism over human-beings.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:46 PM
I agree it is a problem,but one that has been created by soft immigration laws!

This week,i was putting my car into a well known,nationwide dealership,for some minor repair work.
In the reception area,at the front desk,there were 4 members of staff,3 of which were of eastern European descent!

Now dont tell me that there isnt 3 equally well qualified local people that couldnt have filled those jobs?

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by scobro

Not at the cheap rate those Eastern Europeans work for!

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