posted on May, 17 2011 @ 07:20 PM
If Metatech .org was up and running you could read that the body has memories of past procedures. Maybe she has been abducted, it doesn't even have
to be by alien/demons as now, many people are being abducted by black op humans.
I would get her to put her arms straight out from her shoulders and ask her body where the mark came from?
Then ask her body questions, with yes or no answers. Put both your hands on her dominant arm whilst asking her body. Basically the body is like a
computer, so you can ask it loads of questions, to find out about bad reactions to food etc.
At Michael Relfe was taken to Mars and he was wounded and stitched back up again but he had his memory wiped. He married a Kinesiologist
and as she was finding out why he was so tired his body showed a really big ugly scar, that hadn't been seen before. He got some of his memory back
but the black ops still come for him even now.
Until you know where they came from you can't tell if it is good or bad.
Peace and love.