posted on May, 16 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Originally posted by hazey
This has been posted already. But yes the video is appalling, the girl is walking away and he just bulldozes her ass into the wall.
Yes the video is appalling you think he would use a vocal announcement like
"Hey Stop" *While Shes walking Away*
But instead he just runs her over causing her head to hit the wall and/or ground. So how does this police officer still have a job because Police are
like a gang mentality corrupt and protect each other from persecution.
Even when they get sued you can't personally sue them you sue the government for the money instead.
I think we should make cops personally responsible for actions such as this and make them liable for crimes against peoples rights so they can come
under the law just like everyone else.
***Maybe then they'll think twice about abusing the power**** *** The Power To Do harm and abuse anyone without repercussions(Becoming more of a
reality) Wake UP***
This cop and all the cops who are going to read this comment from me " ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAW" but your buddies in law will protect you from crimes
that you could commit, so perhaps you are; but it doesn't make you a better person it makes you a
Soon we will have Pigs enforcing the laws protecting TOP HAT Banker Pig FAT cats raping women (Who Work as their Slaves in their factories) (Read
1984) and even today they are looking nothing more like hired criminals protecting the rich and elites.
edit on 16-5-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)