posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:44 PM
my best guess as to how the ape men type creatures such as sasquatch and the yeti moved nd evolved throughout history
1. species most lickely seperated from the african/ asian ape families,
2. established in asia moved became gigantopithicus
3. moved to higher elvations and became the yeti
4. locaalized species occured in china, the yeren
5. some moved up to europe through russia, possibly became extinct due to lack of modern day sightings
6. some moved to indonesdian islands (possibly by land drift, swiming or crude boats), island dwarfisim occurs, orang pendek emerges
7.moves to north america through land bridge, sasquatch arrives
8. moves throughout noeth america, localized sub species such as skun ape, old yellow top, pitt lake giant and other occur.
9. arrives in south america, groups such as ucumar occur
10. indonesian species arrives in australia size than increases and yowie evolves.
my best guess as to how they got around
edit on 16-5-2011 by connorromanow because: needed to add more